Famous people you'd love to meet

It would be cool to have somebody famous here.

Me! :laughing:

I’m guessing the people who want to work at Pixar here. But who knows.

Famous people I’d love to meet are:

Brian May
Roger Taylor
John Lasseter
Brad Bird
Andrew Stanton
Pete Doctor
Mark Andrews
Jimmy Page
Robert Plant
John Paul Jones
Paul McCartney
Ringo Starr
Mike McCready
Stone Gossard
Jeff Ament
Eddie Vedder
Matt Cameron
Roger Waters
David Gilmour
Nick Mason
John Deacon
Pete Townshend
Roger Daltrey.

People Who Are Dead
Freddie Mercury
Joe Ranft
Richard Wright
Syd Barrett
Walt Disney.

There’s probably more people, but there’s are all the ones I can think of at the moment.

I’m only familiar with the American Revolution naval fighter John Paul Jones, what John Paul Jones are you referring to?

Your list is killer pixarmilan, I literally agree with every inch of it :smiley:

@e-j-e: Haha! :laughing: It always gives me interesting Google image results, definitely. 8D I’m fairly certain he’s referring to John Paul Jones, as in the bassist of Led Zeppelin:

Yep I think you are right.

Leirin is correct, I was referring to the Led Zeppelin Bassist/Keyboardist, but I think it would’ve been interesting to meet the John Paul Jones you are referring to.

Thank you very much!

What would you do if you met a famous criminal or something, like Casey Anthony.

Oh, I’d be terrified. Like. Literally paralyzed with fear. :open_mouth: It’d feel kinda cool to boast about it to friends afterward, though…that is…if there IS an afterward! :smiling_imp:

Meeting a killer would be both fascinating and terrifying!

I’d prefer to have a weapon with me if I did meet one.

Oh, okkay, thanks! He’d be interesting to meet.

I’d ignore her and act like I’ve never heard of her. Because she thrives off of attention, it’s what she likes.

It would be interesting but terrifing.

I’ve met Tom Felton before.

I would love to meet Steve Buscemi.

Whaaaaa that’s awesome!

I wanna meet Rusted Root, my favourite band, for real some day. The chance of that happening is very small, but I can hope! Also Grant Kirkhope and David Wise, who made the music for Banjo-Kazooie and Donkey Kong Country respectively, among some others. The music just made those games to me, ya know?

Oh, and don’t know if it counts as people, but I want to meet Koko the gorilla once. I mean, she’s a gorilla that knows American sign language and had multiple cats as pets. That’s just too crazy awesome.

Me too!

Me three!

Today I watched Ed Helms’ live Q&A on Funny or Die, and it reminded me how much I’d like to meet him.

Oh, and speaking of meeting famous people. A girl I went to high school with, who I CAN’T stand, posted on her facebook the other day that she met John Lasseter when he came into her work.

It’s so lame, I’ve never met him, but this really mean person got to. At her work. I’m like so jealous.

I’d love to meet any Pixarian! Actually, though, I technically have met one. On one trip to Disneyland, my dad spotted a guy with a Pixar hat and asked him where he happened to get that. The man (who was speaking English) said he performed the Swedish voice for Bruce in Finding Nemo! I was lucky enough to get a picture with him! :open_mouth: :mrgreen:

My dad’s friend was a member of the 1980 USA miracle on ice team. My mom met Alan Arkin!