Fast Five (2011)

Pleased as punch to hear about is box-office performance, especially against Thor which ‘cheated’ with its 3D surcharge (still a little bitter I was forced to wear those goggles with my bro when we went for an afternoon session). Having watched both Thor and Fast Five last weekend, I can say I enjoyed the latter more on a personal level. Vin, Paul, Dwayne et. al. just took action movies to a whole new level.

But I highly recommend you guys to see both (or either of them), as they are equally deserving of your support. If you ask me personally, I’d of course recommend Fast Five, but if car chases, sexy ladies and guys beating the snot of each other are not your cup of tea, there’s always Chris Hemsworth and his magnificent abs to consider. :wink:

And of course, if you’re short on dough, just hold out for Pirates, Kung Fu Panda 2 or Cars 2, which will be here before you know it.

Expect a triple-combo review coming soon from Yours Truly.

I saw this movie yesterday! It was my first F&F movie. I thought it was very extreme and entertaining. Most of the dialogue was cheesy, but it made it fun to walk. And The Rock is awesome! Anyway, I loved going to the movies and seeing a film set in Rio. With explosions.

there is an advance poster for the upcoming sequel

Fast & Furious 6 … o_1_46.jpg