Favorite candy


Two words: Dove chocolate!!! :smiley:

Oh my Gravy, those are wonderful. <3

Haha, that’s a lot. I forgot about this thread.

I’ve been craving Reeses and KitKats lately.

I wish I had rock candy right now.

Has anyone ever had WarHeads?

Are those the really sour candy?

Mmmm… Gobstoppers… Whoppers… Skittles… Rice Krispie Treats… :-D)

Yeah, I think so.


Oh, then I know what you are talking about. I am not a fan of sour candy though.

Haven’t had them in a long time.

What was your favorite flavor?

Don’t really know.

I used to like candy corn, but after eating too much of it, I stopped. But with Halloween coming up, I might snack on some just for ol time sake.

Favourite candy? For me it’s definitely bubblegum.

All day, every day. Well, except when I’m at school.

I like some of the candy you would usually eat around Halloween and Christmas which would be Candy Corns and Candy Canes.

Oh yeah, holiday-themed candy? Robin Eggs, all the way. :-D)

Robin Eggs are really good! I haven’t had them in ages, though. :frowning:

We missed them last year. We were sick, and so we forgot. :angry: :unamused: