Favorite Films of 2012

Well, I’ve had plot points in other movies spoiled for me before, and that didn’t make them any less powerful when I saw them for the first time (although yeah, I do go in with the knowledge that they were going to happen).

I still recommend you go see it in theatres, if only for the excellent pre-title chase in Istanbul and the gorgeous Adele opening-credits sequence, which deserve to be seen on the big screen. The rest of the movie’s more quiet and intimate before the very noisy climax, but really, it’s just a great Bond movie period. And if you know your Bond films, there are a lot of hidden references to look out for that I bet your friends hasn’t spoiled yet. But if you do miss it it in cinemas, it’s definitely worth a rental, imho.

Sorry, but I can’t stand spoiled plot points. :smiley: . It’s just a ‘me’ thing.
Make no mistake, I will see it. I wouldn’t ever miss out on a film like that. It just won’t be in the cinema.

With a few exceptions, 2012 was all about the small independent movies for me. Those are the ones that made a lasting impression on me, outside of my first two choices. The first two on my list is my top favorites of 2012. The rest are in no particular order.

  1. Django Unchained
  2. End of Watch
  3. Safety Not Guaranteed
  4. Searching For Sugarman
  5. The Amazing Spider-Man
  6. Wreck It Ralph
  7. Hotel Transylvania
  8. The Best Exotic Hotel Marigold
  9. Bernie
    10.Life of Pi
    11.The Perks of Being a Wallflower
    12.Liberal Arts
    13.Beast of the Southern Wild
    15.Cabin in the Woods
    16.Indie Game: The Movie

Due to money issues, I missed out on these movies, but I’m looking forward to seeing them this year, and some could end up on my favorite list.
-The Sessions
-Frank & Me
-Les Miserables
-The Impossible
-Silver Linings Playbook
-Rust and Bone
-Seven Psychopaths
-Cloud Atlas
-Zero Dark Thirty
-The Central Park Five
-We Need to Talk About Kevin

I know we’re talking about 2012 movies, but I just wanna say that my most anticipated movie of 2013 is Before Midnight! The first two movies are in my top ten off all time. They both embody something that I love to see in movies, and read in books. Two strangers getting together, having a connection, and just talking about love, religion, art, life…etc. I’ve always loved moments like that in books and movies. When I saw Before Sunset and Before Sunrise at the beginning of last year for the first time, it was pure bliss the whole time. Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke have amazing chemistry together!

I really want to watch Django Unchained, if only because I’m a fan of history and parodies. And with Tarantino’s revionist style, and Jamie, Chris, Sam and Leo in the same movie, what’s not to love?

And also partly cos of these fan trailers.

Too bad it’s only coming out in March here. Lincoln, Cloud Atlas and Zero Dark Thirty are also getting spring releases here.

Indie Game: The Movie looks intriguing. I think Mygames19 or Aerostarmonk would get a kick out of that.

On another note, there’s a 12.30pm matinee screening of Rise of the Guardians at one cinema in Singapore tomorrow, so I might go catch it before it disappears from screens here.

I’ma be posting my top ten list on Tumblr when I get down to writing it tomorrow on my off day, so look out for it. I’ll only be covering 2012 films that I watched in that calendar year, but trust me, I saw a lot in cinemas last year, so it’ll be quite extensive! :stuck_out_tongue:

Very nice! :smiley:

My top 5:

  1. The Amazing Spider-Man
  2. Brave
  3. Madagascar 3
  4. The Hunger Games
  5. The Grey.

Update. I have now seen 5 films that came out in 2012. 8D

  1. Wreck-It Ralph
  2. Brave
  3. Rise of the Guardians
  4. The Avengers
  5. The Lorax

Saw about 25 or so films last year.

  1. The Avengers
  2. The Dark Knight Rises
  3. Wreck-It Ralph
  4. The Hunger Games
  5. The Secret World of Arriety

Some honorable mentions include Brave, Chronicle, and The Amazing Spider-Man.

^^Both great lists! :smiley: Finally someone else who has seen Arrietty! :slight_smile: I just got the DVD for Christmas, need to watch it…

I am so happy that you enjoyed it! I’ve been a fan of the musical for years, and have seen many productions. I think that generally people are giving it more of a harsh time than it deserved. Of course, the stage singers were more enjoyable than the ones in the movie. I’d pick Lea Salonga over Anne Hathaway any day.

But for what the actors had to live up to, they did splendidly.

Ballboi & pixarmilan : Oh yes, Spiderman! I agree. Nice film, but not in the top 5. I see you’re a big fan of le superheroes, Ballboi!

K9girl: Yay! 5 is plenty enough for list making purposes!

theoutsider: You’ve seen a large array of films! I still need to see Django!

I love going to the movies! One of the main things that bothered me last year was not having the money to see all the movies I wanted to see. I left a movie off of my list of movies I liked last year. The Queen of Versailles was another movies that I enjoyed a lot. Oh, I also enjoyed Ruby Sparks! I hope the indie movies deliver this year like they did for me last year.

I’m a sucker for movies or tv shows about little creatures living in their own world with in the human world, and I thought that I would love The Secret World of Arrietty. I don’t remember everything about the movie, but i do remember thinking that it was a beautiful, and I enjoyed it overall, but I didn’t feel like there was much in the way of huge threats to the families safety throughout the movie, and I remember things happening and there was no payoff in the end.

My Top 15 Of 2012

  1. Cloud Atlas
  2. Paranorman
  3. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
  4. The Collection
  5. The Avengers
  6. Prometheus
  7. The Cabin in the Woods
  8. Lincoln
  9. The Hunger Games
  10. Paranormal Activity 4
  11. Resident Evil: Retuributon
  12. Skyfall
  13. The Amazing Spider-Man
  14. The Dark Knight Rises
  15. Django Unchained

^You are a really big fan of action movies aren’t you? Is there any certain reason that The Avengers was so low in your opinion?

My revised list after seeing a few more films.

  1. The Avengers
  2. Wreck-It Ralph
  3. The Dark Knight Rises
  4. ParaNorman
  5. The Secret World of Arriety
  6. The Hunger Games
  7. Chronicle
  8. Brave
  9. The Pirates! Band of Misfits
  10. Cabin in the Woods
  11. Rise of the Guardians
  12. The Amazing Spider-Man
  13. The Grey
  14. Magic Mike
  15. Madagascar 3: Eurpoe’s Most Wanted
  16. Pitch Perfect
  17. Rock of Ages
  18. The Dictator
  19. Think Like A Man
  20. John Carter
  21. The Three Stooges
  22. Wrath of the Titans
  23. Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax
  24. Battleship
  25. Project X
  26. That’s My Boy

We have similar tastes! Avengers is far up for both of us, and That’s My Boy is definitely in the bottom. 8D

I like your list a whole lot Ballboi! What even is “That’s My Boy”? This is my first time hearing of it… 8D

Some comedy from Happy Madison productions that was released last June. I was forced into watching it as a sort of movie night with the family. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’a allegedly a poor-taste comedy judging by critical reviews and box-office performance. :slight_smile: Sandler’s redemption was in Hotel Transylvannia for me - it’s even among my Top Ten!

I should really get down to writing my Top Ten list on Tumblr.

Easily the worst of Adam Sandlers movies. (And I wasn’t a fan of his films to begin with).

I am willing to see Hotel Transylvania, I have interest in that!

I don’t have any desire to check that one out. Sure, this could be a fun film, but this just doesn’t look like anything special. The character animation looks nice though.