Favorite part/scene

[spoil]I like the last scene best, where Eve fixes up Wall-E as quickly as she can.

And the part where she kisses him and he holds her hand! :slight_smile: [/spoil]

I enjoy watching the “Define Dancing” scene, if only for how well animated everything is. Although my favourite part within that scene is where we get to see the captain watching educational videos about earth cut between their dancing. It’s just a brilliant piece of film-making.

Hmm, your selection isn’t universal, but I’ve noticed for a very large part of those who come here it was like the best loved, or second best loved, musical piece. It was quite a beautiful sequence for me.

I have to agree with rachelcakes that it’s very hard to pick out any one scene, she even picked out 4 or so scenes and it still wasn’t enough.

Animation-wise, and I’ve mentioned this a few weeks ago very extensively in the ‘Advanced Wall-E 101’ thread, the sequence under the spaceship which has just landed is superior.

Musically and thematically, the outer space sequence is the part I still look forward to the most after seeing the movie over 35 times. Music is something that makes the mind flow with abstractions, and the music chosen for outer space: ‘Define Dancing’ and ‘Eve Retrieve’ are among the very best.

Overall… hmm, this is very hard to say, there are so many good sequences. But the author of this thread asked for a specific scene and most here are volunteering sequences, actually. So for a specific scene it would be the one where Wall-E turns on all the lights including the Xmas lights. Then the ‘camera’ shifts to EVE and she is slowly looking around at the spectacle and oh so slowly moving further into the truck. The music is heavenly at this point. EVE’s shading and the reflections of the inside of Wall-E’s truck from her body are just ga-ga for anyone interested in CG. I just dropped my jaw.

Hmm…I have lots of favorite parts, put if I had to choose one, it would be the Escape Pod scene. :-D)

My second is probably when Wall-E saw Eve in the window while they were in space, I loved the way he said “Evah!” ^^

My favorite scene is when EVE is looking for life and getting really upset and then blows up a fleet of ships. I like how WALL-E then takes the leap and tries to speak to her and their first discussion.

I love EVE and WALL-E! They’re both SO cute!

I think my favorite part would have to be when WALL-E first arrives on the Axiom and meets M-O

My favorite part was when eve repairs to wall-e and and cojen of the hand, that is to say when wall-e and not reponde starts reproducing the song it made me sad but then wall-e and respondio and cojen of the hand wall-e and eve