Favourite Scene

When you watch it after seeing Cars 2, you can’t help but think of it as foreshadowing. :laughing:

Yes! They’re all so unique and entertaining. I always thought of this while watching the movie and kept forgetting to say it but I can’t help but think of Fillmore as like the cars version of Shaggy from Scooby- Doo. :laughing:

I always saw that as a little forshadow to the sequel or just a coincidence.

Nice that people can agree on that! :smiley: Hey, I never thought of that, but he does kind of seem like Shaggy, doesn’t he? 8D

I can kind of see that resemblence between the two characters. Not by much though.

Well their both not “clean”. :laughing:

Fillmore reminds me more of the Mystery Machine than Shaggy… :stuck_out_tongue:

8D Good way of putting it!

Yeah, that’s true! 8D

Wonder if he has any Scooby Snacks.

What I’m going to say does not fit in any thread so I shall put it here. Well, I found this (awesome) book called Disneystrology and for every day of the year, it gave a matching character and described personalities and all that stuff for everyone’s birthdays. There were quite a number of Cars characters. :sunglasses:

Doc- January 16
Fillmore- February 7
Flo- November 12
Guido- November 20
The King- July 28
Lightning- April 7
Lizzie- January 20
Luigi- July 25
Mack- April 24
Mater- June 28
Mia and Tia- June 7
Ramone- December 3
Red- February 21
Sally- September 20
Sarge- July 4 (which is who I got. :slight_smile: )
Sheriff- May 3

Did anyone get a Cars character for their birthday? :mrgreen:

We have a topic on that calendar, if you’re interested :slight_smile: :



:open_mouth: That’s really cool, now I want to go buy that book 8D [/size]

I got Dot! It’s a Pixar chararacter but sill a weird one.

Too bad Finn or Halley arn’t in it.

I got Jack Skellington.

Not too happy about that one.


Aww, I like Jack Skellington :laughing: I wouldn’t mind him

I liked mine, it was Marie from The Aristocats, :smiley: [/size]

I got Dug from Up.

Oh, psh. Well then… :unamused: You guys got good characters! I mean, Sarge is cool and all but. :laughing:

I’m alright with my choice since Dug is my favorite animated dog along with Gromit.

We’re getting far off topic.

Go to the Disneystrology board to discuss this :slight_smile:

Yeah. We always seem to go far off-topic on almost every thread there.

what is their year?
and oh yeah! sorry I’m new here.