Favourite Scene

8D Good way of putting it!

Yeah, that’s true! 8D

Wonder if he has any Scooby Snacks.

What I’m going to say does not fit in any thread so I shall put it here. Well, I found this (awesome) book called Disneystrology and for every day of the year, it gave a matching character and described personalities and all that stuff for everyone’s birthdays. There were quite a number of Cars characters. :sunglasses:

Doc- January 16
Fillmore- February 7
Flo- November 12
Guido- November 20
The King- July 28
Lightning- April 7
Lizzie- January 20
Luigi- July 25
Mack- April 24
Mater- June 28
Mia and Tia- June 7
Ramone- December 3
Red- February 21
Sally- September 20
Sarge- July 4 (which is who I got. :slight_smile: )
Sheriff- May 3

Did anyone get a Cars character for their birthday? :mrgreen:

We have a topic on that calendar, if you’re interested :slight_smile: :



:open_mouth: That’s really cool, now I want to go buy that book 8D [/size]

I got Dot! It’s a Pixar chararacter but sill a weird one.

Too bad Finn or Halley arn’t in it.

I got Jack Skellington.

Not too happy about that one.


Aww, I like Jack Skellington :laughing: I wouldn’t mind him

I liked mine, it was Marie from The Aristocats, :smiley: [/size]

I got Dug from Up.

Oh, psh. Well then… :unamused: You guys got good characters! I mean, Sarge is cool and all but. :laughing:

I’m alright with my choice since Dug is my favorite animated dog along with Gromit.

We’re getting far off topic.

Go to the Disneystrology board to discuss this :slight_smile:

Yeah. We always seem to go far off-topic on almost every thread there.

what is their year?
and oh yeah! sorry I’m new here.

All of those dates apply to any year.

I meant their character age?
Who is the oldest to youngest?

Oh. I don’t think they revealed how old the Cars characters are.

I think what happened was that greatveemon tough that was a list of Cars characters birthdays.

But it’s not. They’re the days they have assigned in some Disney horoscope.

Oh sorry! I though that was there official birthday.
Because Mater’s b-day is January 12, 1957.
I don’t know why he is the only car that shows his birthday.

I have to say, my favorite scene was the very first Cars scene. It was well designed, introduced the main characters perfectly and they did a great job choosing Cheryl Cole’s song “Real Gone”
I also loved “Life is A Highway” By Rascal Flatts