Flying a *REAL* Disney Pixar UP House Cluster Balloon.

Ooh, that sounds really cool! I fully support whoever wants to try and do this thing. :smiley: :laughing:

I Will!!! I Will!!!
i wonder where i can get that many balloons???

Maybe i could send up a small miniature house and include some crickets…


Usually, when it comes to people’s safety, I am a pretty conservative person. When I saw the idea of a flying house via ballons, I thought that it is a really fun and amazing concept, but at the same time I thought of the dangers that could happen (plane propellers can pop balloons, brids can fly into ballons, etc.)

Yeah, it would be cool, but can you imagine how many balloons it would take to lift a kid? According to MythBusters (I know, I’m a geek :stuck_out_tongue:) to lift a 40 pound child you would need about (From memory, I may be wrong) 3000-5000 balloons.

3000-5000 oO

I’ll never find that many balloons…i’d better start saving.

If that is to only carry a 40 pound child? Imagine how much would be needed to lift a flippin house! :open_mouth: Holy cow!

no not a cow…a house!!

man you would need like 100,000 balloons filled competely with helium.

Or you could just stick dynamite underneath the house and have the man stand on the chimney…then he would fly for about 5 minutes

O_o. Someone ate to much sugar today.

I think is would be more than 100,000. That would be only if your house was about 800 pounds.

Heck YES!!! I would soooo pay to fly in the UP house!!!

yah…i’ve had a little sugar WHHEEEEEEE!!!

SO the amount of balloons needed would be more like around…1,000,000…perhaps. That would hold about 8,000 Pounds.

That might work…

HeellloooOOOOOO is there any one from the Real Pixar Here ??? Don’t you guys want to go for a ride in reality in something that you created virtually ???


you betcha…count me in!

Welll then… Al Bob… walk down the hallway to the marketing guys and show them the thread… I think they’ll find it very interesting… and it will happen.


Can you give me an address please??

And where are my goggles :smiley:

I think it sounds awesome! Although I think they should have a height limit and an emergency jump-off-house set, for safety purposes. Otherwise, it’s amazing!

Interesting. I dont know if I’d want to ride in it, not from fear of heights though. But it would be cool to see.

That would just be amazing to see! I probably wouldn’t believe it even if I saw it. I’d probably take a ride in it if I could, despite my fear of heights. :smiley:

Sounds like a big project and it’d probably be challenging putting something together like this. But if it does happen, that’d be a day to remember!

I’d love to, but I have a strong irrational fear of latex balloons. I don’t think that’s going to stop me from seeing the movie though.

I would ride in a house, depending on how much a ride costs. That would be a lot of balloons and helium, and we would need a house. Does anybody here have an extra house just lying around?