Funny Real life Moments

did they pay you to write that last passage? jk :sunglasses:

No, but they should for all the advertising PIXAR gets from me. I mean, I’m wearing the WALL-E poster on a T-Shirt several days a week and telling people how awesome it’s gonna be because MAN, that shirt is a good conversation starter.

Bah, who am I kidding? I’m just another cog in the wheel of viral advertising.

Oh yeah, that brings up a funny real life moment. I don’t remember it exactly, but it went something like this.

Me: in the middle of yet another anti-Disney rant/WALL-E discussion and then they started putting all the good special features on Blu Ray! Including the commentary! I LOVE COMMENTARY AND THEY TOOK IT AWAY! I mean, this can’t lift off the ground, and I hope Disney realizes that soon. We’re in an economic recession. Blu Ray players are like, 800 bucks. It’s not gonna hit big any time soon. I mean, get them down to cheap 99 buck players and we’ll talk, okay? goes to get some water comes back
Teacher: Yeah, sounds bad.
Me: Yeah, I know! And don’t even let me get into how they canceled my favorite cartoon on a cliffhanger. All they have going for them is PIXAR now, really. Speaking of which, WALL-E IS GONNA BE SO COOL!
Teacher:Yeah, I saw your tshirt.
Me: I got it for my birthday. 8D
Teacher: You sure do talk about it a lot.
Me: Yeah. They should probably pay me for this… with a blu ray player


actually, something pretty funny happened today at my girl scout meeting. my mom was talking about a “special showing” that we were gonna be aloud to see.
mom: and their showing, uh, Wall…dot…e-
everyone in the troop: WALL-E!
me: really mom. your the mother of a pixar freak and you can’t even pronounce wall-e?

Speaking of mispronouncing WALL-E, that brings up one.

I’m not sure who started it, but Mom and I got into saying WALL-E the way said robot does.

Netbug: You gotta add a bit of a quivver to it, like W-W-WWALLLLLLL-EEEEE
Netbug: Eh, close enough.
PJ: trying to watch her show right next to us and is clearly annoyed by the utter nonsense interrupting her
Netbug: Oh, sorry PJ, you’re trying to watch your show. XD
PJ: Yeah, I’m missing important dialog and you two are being crazy.

“That wasn’t flying…that was…that was… Falling with style!”

(Roll on floor laughing out loud while drinking water!!!)

Today we were lectured on the Black Death of 14th century Europe and I was on top of the game… because of my knowledge garnered from Your Friend the Rat :smiley:

And my class has the obsession of yelling “waaaAAAAALLLL-E” at every opportune moment :slight_smile:

lol aww well my classroom is dorky too we all started singing What Time is it? from hsm2 lol on the last day of school

At my swim meet, there where a couple of boys that looked about 7-9 who where talking about WALL-E.
Molly (this girl there)- OOOHH! I love WALL-E! It’s like, the best love story ever!
Me- I know! Who doesn’t love a love story about robots!
One of the boys- :open_mouth: :neutral_face: But you know, it had a lot of messages…
And then he gave me a lecture about the message of WALL-E. I guess he didn’t want to talk about the love story.

Then later at the same meet, this other boy was holding an EVE toy at the food stand.
Me- OOOOOHHHH :stuck_out_tongue: an EVE toy!
The stand mom- Uuuuuuuum, yeah, here’s your food.

lol i heard 2 mothers talking about how they didnt like the movie (in a different movies theater) and i almost jumped over their chairs and taught them a lesson but i didnt bc there was a elderly saint beside me :stuck_out_tongue:

I probably still would have :smiley:

well the lady is my half godmotherish lady and my “babysitter for the kids around me and me even though i have a babysitting licence thingy person”

You still should’a showed 'em, moonstarms!

Me and a couple of little kids from the camp I volunteered at (yesterday was the last day… I’ll miss them :frowning:) got into a “Who can say WALL-E and EVE-AH the best” contest :wink:

lol i gotta nother funny rl moment

my dad was ordering pizza online a couple days ago and i was telling him “dad you cant expect things to be cheap with the prices of things today!” and my 10 yr old little sister was behind us and said “Love and emotions are free!” and we started laughing bc shes the kinda person who gets mad if you talk to her when shes busy person lol

Haha, there are some funny ones in here! I have a few…not sure if they’re really FUNNY, but I guess some of them are.

A few years ago, back when I lived in Texas, my old hairstylist was cutting my hair, and we got on the subject of movies. (I tend to get people on that subject a LOT :unamused: ) She asked me “Hey, have you ever seen that movie, The Incredibles?” At the time, I hadn’t, so I said “No…” She then proceeded to tell me that I sounded almost exactly like Violet, and I should watch the movie, because it was really good.

So of course, I did, and indeed it was a great movie. Then I told my online friends about what she said, and when they later heard my voice, they said “You DO sound kinda like Violet…”

Ever since then, Vi’s been one of my favorite characters in that movie, haha. xP

This one was also from a few years ago. I was at Sea World with my family, and we were in the aquariam. My family was taking forever to look at the sharks, so I went and waited over near a huge tank that had some clownfish in it. So, then other people started coming over to check them out as well, and that’s when all I heard when an endless stream of…

“It’s Nemo!”
“Look sweetie, it’s Nemo!”
“Yay Nemo!”

Like, five groups of people walked by, and they ALL said something like that. That’s when I concluded Pixar was slowly taking over the world, and you know what? That’s just fine by me. xP

And more recently (Like, earlier on this month recently), we were in a cabin, spending a few days with my grandparents, and I was laying in bed. I was EXHAUSTED. Then I started quoting the aliens from Toy Story 2, saying “You have saved our lives! We are eternally greatful!” For some reason, I found that REALLY funny at the time, and just kept saying it over and over untill I went to sleep. O_o Yyyeah…

Then, about a day later, my dad and I were walking through Wal-Mart…

Dad: It’s WALL-E!
Me: WHERE?! O_O looks around
Dad: On that box of band-aids.
Me:…Oh. -____-

I was hoping for a toy or something. Thanks for crushing my dreams, Dad.

Then, on the four hour long drive BACK from the cabin, my brother and I got REALLY bored, so we started playing “Where’s WALL-E?” It went something like:

BROTHER: Where?!

…Then we started mimicing the robots. We were SO bored…xD

I’m sure I’ve had more, but those are the only ones that are really anything memorable for me…

Those r funny LE haha

Something like that happened at the old Rain Forest Cafe at my mall when I was little (I can’t BELIEVE it went out of business). They had a tank of fish in the restaurant, and there was a blue tang in it. This little boy said “Look Mom it’s Dory!” and my sister Emily sighed and said “that fish will forever now be known as the ‘Dory fish’.”

Last week, my dad was talking about my mom, who was on a business trip.
Dad: She would always call to ask about how to pronounce a word for her presentation. Like, once she called me and asked “How do you pronounce F-A-B-R-Y?” And I would say “FA-bry.” And then she would go “Fabr-EE?” “No, FA-bry.” “Fabr-EE?” and I swear this went on for ten minutes.
My other sister Kelsey- Haha, she sounds like WALL-E.
Me- “Eve” “EEEEV-Uh!” “Eve” “EEEEV-uh!”

This happened going black berry picking with Kelsey on a path near our house.
Kelsey: Oh no. A dead mole.
We looked at it for a bit, and then walked away.
Me: Poor mole.
Kelsey: M-OOO? Mo.
Me: Hahaha!
we quoted it a couple times.
Me: wait, why did you start this?
Kelsey: it sounds like mole.

Today she was driving me to my swim meet, and I made a joke about her.
Kelsey (jokingly): Twerp.
Me: Twerp? Twweeerrrp?
Kelsey: M-ooooooooo? M-o.
Me: You like M-O, don’t you?
Kelsey: I do like M-O.

lol u and your sister sound like bffs :slight_smile:

pretty close, even though she’s seven years older.

me and my sister are the opposite lol

Go M•O! Whoa!

No, M•O’s no foe. So? Go M•O!