Funny Vacation Stories

Did anything funny happen to you on summer vacation?

Our family has been at the beach for the last week, and there was a stray cat that came to our house every night, an he seriously looked like Hitler. We called him the Hitler Cat, and he was meowing loudly outside my sister Erica’s window. We felt bad so we gave him some food and water. BIG MISTAKE! The next day he came up to our family room window meowing loudly over and over again! think "MEOW! MEOW! MEOWWWW!!! Finally my dad splashed water on him and chased him off the deck. He didn’t come back the next day, so we thought we got rid off him, but the day after that he did come back, and was back tonight, so my dad made a squirt gun from poking a hole in a water bottle and squirted him. But he kept coming back, so my dad kept squirting him and now hes gone.

Three things I learned:

  1. No matter how graceful and intelligent they seem, cats are a lot more annoying than dogs.
  2. Especially since dogs know if you splash water on them you don’t want them around, unlike cats, apparently.
  3. It did seem smart enough to know who he looked like, as when we where playing trivial pursuit and a question about an anti-Hitler writer he picked his head right up.
  4. Animals that look like Hitler, act like Hitler.

oh yeah.

When I saw the Dark Knight, I saw two comic book geeks next to me. At the end of the film (amazing!!!), one of them was so happy with the movie, he said, “I Could Just kiss You” to his friend. It made evryone in my row of seats crack up out loud, and then people got mad at us cause they thought we found the movie laughable.

There is nothing funny about that.

laughs hysterically :laughing: Haha, WOW! What a story. That just made my day

Nothing funny really happened to me. THe only sorta funny at the same time scary part of my summer is when I ran through a red light after taking my little sibling to get a hair cut.

May I post funny winter vacation stories, too?

Right after Christmas, I went on a trip to Big Bear Mountain with some of my church, and it was awesome! The problem was, though, that the bus was 5 hours and 37 minutes later than planned! :open_mouth: Every time the bus stopped for a while, I went like, “Oh, finally, we’re there!” then realized it was just traffic. I didn’t bring any food on the bus, so I was starving like crazy. When we finally reached there, it was night, and I ate dinner two hours later than I’m used to. The funny thing was, on the bus, I kept on imagining Thanksgiving feasts, especially corn, for some reason. And corn was part of the meal when we got there!

While I was there, I went inner-tubing, and it was so fun! I went countless times, usually in a group. I got a lot of laughs from when the girl that managed people going down the slope was having some fun. One time, I planned to go in a group, but the first boy in my group was pushed down alone, and he was sliding down as he was protesting, “Wait, I’m with them!” It was funny, but the girl made us all go individually at that time, after him.
Also, they formed a second route, but it was so rushed that it was too thin. Anyone that went down the second path down the slope in a group would immediately fall apart from their partners and inner-tubes. It was hilarious.

Haha, funny stories, guys! Is it me, or do holidays actually make situations like that happen more often? :laughing:

Whenever I go on trips with the school, something strange or funny tends to happen at some point. The first time I went on a trip with my school, we went to Florence in Italy, and I remember how we were all trying to hide bottles of alcohol in our room and managed to find the most inventive places imaginable to put them, like between the beds and behind the shutters of the windows.

And the bathroom was absolutely disgusting
Funny, but disgusting. I remember how the toilet was positioned so close to a bidet that you couldn’t actually sit on the toilet normally, and instead had to sit like a man, legs wide open, in order to actually park your derrier. :laughing:

Greece was the next school trip. I found it so amusing watching two teachers splashing about in the pool, one so short that he wasn’t even able to get onto the blow up lido thing by himself, so the other one lifted him up and chucked him on there.

Though just seeing teachers half naked and in the pool in itself was funny enough. :laughing:

I have many other stories, but I fear some of them may be too rude to post on here. :laughing: