Goo-Stow says 'Anyone can Draw'

To quote everybody’s favourite Waste Allocation Load Lifter - Earth class
“Taa-daa !!” :slight_smile:

I’m happy with the actual drawing, but the colours aren’t the best (dont have any proper pencils as such, these were the best matches I could find in my kids art box :confused: )

Here’s a larger image … 6/Bt18.jpg

Excuses excuses excuses… which are all pretty lame considering I really really like it!

Keep up the good work!

Oh WOW! That’s incredible! Excellent job sir! The windows could be a bit more pink, and some of the other colors could stand out more, but since you mentioned you’re short the necessary tools, I understand. Beautifully done. Oh, and I love your little “Taa daa!” thing, nice. :smiley:

Wow. That looks beautiful! Fantastic job! :smiley:

That sounds like a challenge to me !!!

No idea when this is gonna be finished. Just remember what Geri the Cleaner said to Al McWiggin, when he asked how long it was gonna take to fix Woody…
…“You can’t rush art” :sunglasses:

P.s. I am doing the whole ship, but this is the only section I’ve done so far

It’s looking great so far! I can’t wait to see it finished! Are you going to use any color?

There isn’t really a lot of colour to the Axiom. It might be better if I just shaded it

You know, few people seem to be able to both draw great lineart and colour it in well without spoiling it, but you’ve got skills, Chef Goo-stow! I love everything you’ve done so far! It’s all so neat and tidy, and you’ve obviously spent a lot of time perfecting each piece. Carl’s house, in particular, looks lovely in those pastel colours and your drawing of the Axiom is looking brilliant so far. Looking forward to seeing it finished and your future artwork!

Both the house and the Axiom look really impressive. I agree that it’s probably not worth coloring the Axiom. Great job! :slight_smile:

Wow, this is super-awesome! It’s so inspiring to see so many great fan-artists in this little community, I’m so amazed! :slight_smile:
I think you did an absolute fantastic job with the drawing of Carl’s house. And considering you used your tyke’s colour pencils (which I imagine is pretty limited in colour range), you did an impressive job with the colouring!
And you’re doing the Axiom next? I can’t wait, it’s gonna be sooo cool, and I’m sure you’ll do a good job of it!

That’s it, no more non-ruler drawing for me … too frustrating. Here’s the Axiom, I not at all happy with it

Here it is photoshopped a bit

Are you kidding? That looks brilliant! :slight_smile:

I think it looks great! I can’t see why you aren’t happy with it.

They. Are. All.So. EXTRAORDINARY! :smiley: Seriously, as others before me have said, you are talented with drawing architecture! I don’t believe I’ve ever seen anyone draw the Disneyland hotel or the Haunted Mansion that good. Carl’s house and the Axiom are amazing and impressive as well! Not to mention you said you’re better with buildings than with just drawings of characters, yet the drawings were excellently drawn! (Is the picture of the frog with a gun to its head from Lilo and Stitch?) If drawing buildings is your forte (which it probably is) then you should definitely do more.

Thanks everyone, but I’m seriously not happy with the way it turned out.
Top part of the Axiom - the curves and spacing of each section is wrong
The tail is a mess. The shading is poor. And the whole thing looks crooked.

Admittedly its not bad enough to make me want to draw it again :wink:

It’s totally nuts that you’d think that you created anything but a masterpiece in that drawing. Most artists are way too critical about themselves, (which I know is a good thing, it makes them push themselves) and they set their standards for perfection. Crazy, it’s INCREDIBLE sir, bravo!

I know I can’t post like this, but…


You (already) know what I mean.

You’ve got some serious technical prowess man. I’m seriously diggin on this stuff.

Not Happy with it? Well I think it’s very well done. There’s nothing that looks particularly wrong with it to me. But I can totally understand that feeling. I’ve done a few drawings where all I see are my mistakes, even though most of the people who see the drawing dont see the mistakes.

Are you kidding me? :open_mouth: That rendition of the Axiom is EPIC! Almost like a concept sketch, as I’ve said before. Even more amazing that you didn’t use a ruler for that. You have some serious l33t skillz, man! :smiley: