Good Afternoon, Mr. Oswalt

That’s cool, Mitch! And it was nice of Patton Oswalt to oblige! Haha, seems like California is the place to go to meet celebrities, then. :smiley:

All right. I posted up a picture of the autograph.

lizardgirl - Yep, it was very nice of him, indeed. I think that more celebrities should travel rather than stay put in California, though, that way you guys would have a better chance of meeting them.


– Mitch

Your dad was in the right place at the right time Mitch. God was watching you and was extra happy for you today was he?

(Okay, enough religous talk now.)

You make me jealous that you got something so special like that Mitch. But it is cool that you got an autograph from him.

(This ain’t an April Fools joke right?)

That’s awsome Mitch! Patton Oswalt is so cool! I love his Stand-up comedy!

It’s too bad, I live in CA and I’ve never met a celebrity. :frowning:

Wow, too cool, Mitch. Patton Oswalt is hilarious, and apparently a fan of comics. I always wonder what it’s like when they just go to simple places like the comic shop.

The Star Swordsman - Thanks! And, nope, this is definitely not an April Fool’s joke. :wink:

mo - Thank you!

Don’t worry. You’re bound to meet someone eventually. :smiley:

DocKenobi - I know, man. It’s awesome.

Patton Oswalt can be quite hilarious. I always thought his humor was pretty darn crude, but it is funny. I listened to a few stand-up acts of his on YouTube when I was feeling down in the dumps once, and I almost wet my pants laughing…

Yeah, it must be a bit surreal to see them out in public, albeit cool. My dad used to see Mark Hamill all the time in this one particular comic book store, I think. Heh.

– Mitch

AW, MAN! Mark Hamill? That would be so awesome to meet him. I’d probably ask him to do his joker voice, after I regained concisousness.I’ve heard he’s a big comic fan. I think he wrote one.

Edited. There is no need to quote the entire post. – Mitch

DocKenobi - I know! I was so jealous when my dad told me that he met him several times. You’re right: Supposedly, he’s just as big of a geek as the rest of us when it comes to comics.

Ha! He wrote his own comic? I think I may have heard my dad mention that at one time. That’s great. (snigger)

But back on-topic…

– Mitch

I remember from reading a book about handwriting and signatures that if someone tends to underline their signature, they tend to be morally strong and forthright and very down to earth.

That might be utter rubbish, but it’s still pretty interesting.:laughing:

Thanks for posting up the signature! Are you going to frame it or put it somewhere special?

lizardgirl - Really? That’s interesting. I don’t know if I’d call myself any of those things, but maybe they fit Mr. Oswalt to a tee…? :wink:

No problem! And, nah, I’m just going to keep it in my cupboard. I’m funny when it comes to autographs – I simply store them in my drawers or something. as though I consider them to be more like friends than celebrities that must be framed and hung up on a wall. I’m weird. (snigger)

– Mitch

Nice sig! I like the ‘bow-tie’ on his underline! :smiley:

Aw, man, your dad sure knows a lot of people! Maybe I should be an animator, then I’ll meet famous folks too! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hm… I do a cheesy ‘Nike tick’ on my signature. :slight_smile: Should come up with a cooler ‘John Hancock’.

That’s awwwesome, Mitch! And I love how it’s so impromptu… getting the day’s edition of the newspaper signed by who you’re a fan of is not something you get to receive every day :slight_smile:

Ha-ha! Yeah…

Phileas - I know. I never expected to get his autograph on a newspaper, much less his actual signature, but I’ll accept anything. Heheh.

Thanks for the comment! :smiley:

– Mitch

That’s really cool! I liked Patton Oswalt as Spencer on King of Queens long before I saw him as Remy (plus he was really funny on Lewis Black’s the Root of all Evil).

And Mark Hamill? I wrote to him and got his sig, but I too would be like, do the Joker for me!!! At least giggle like a maniac!

lennonluvr9 - Oh yeah, I forgot that he was on King of Queens. I don’t think I ever saw the show, but I take it that he was hilarious in it.

You got Mark Hamill’s autograph?! is jealous

Thanks for the comment, dude! :smiley:

– Mitch

Yeah he was great as Spencer. His chemistry with the main character’s cousin Danny was really funny.

Yeah I got Mark Hamill’s autograph. I drew Jokers all over it so he’d notice it :wink:

lennonluvr9 - I guess I should check out the show if it’s still on the air…

Ha-ha! Geek. :wink:

– Mitch

King of Queens is on weekday afternoons on TBS. Where I live it’s on from 4-5pm although it may be different elsewhere. “Check your local listings”


I would love to get his autograph! You must be so excited! :smiley:

Mitch.… I now hate you… but in a totally jealous way…

you lucky son of a gun…

The only Autographs I’ve ever been able to get is that of The Entire squad of Newcastle United Football Club Season 1995-96 (I think) and now I’ve lost it as it was part of a school project when I was 9…

Although more through Stupidity… I met Michael Sheen (the person Who Plays Tony Blair, David Frost…and The White Rabbit in Burton’s Alice in Wonderland) and being a naff tool… considering I know his father… I forgot to ask him for his Autograph…

Still waiting on that reply from John Lasseter too… Its been 3 months now…

Back on topic… Congratulations… you owe your father more than you could possibly imagine…