rachel - Lol. Haha! Yeah, my sister and I lived a life of soiled underwear. We would go out of our way to make jokes and laugh ourselves to near destruction. (snigger)
Oh, I thought of another one!
The “Hole of Failure” Tale
Many years ago, when my sister I were wee lassies, I thought up the ingenious idea of digging a hole from my backyard to China. Being an avid explorer and a lover of fine tales that told of hair-raising adventures, my job, at the time, was to go where no young lady had gone before: To the ends of the earth in a matter of days… Henceforth, a hand-made masterpiece of a tunnel – one that stretched from the residential confines of my weedy backyard to the towering mountains of China’s vast terrain – seemed just the thing…
Coincidentally, one of my neighbors’ children had the same crazy idea, only with a “twisted” plot. Instead of digging to Asia, he was digging for a cause, and that cause would have had a generally eye-catching effect. His brilliant scheme was to contruct a scientific observatory/lab beneath his house. Suddenly, my plan seemed significantly inferior to my neighbors’. “What a fantastically brilliant idea!”, I thought to myself. Digging to China soon seemed like a plan reserved only for those bozzos who had no idea that building a lodge home home underneath the base of their residence was a much better and well thought out concoction.
And so, the race began! My neighbor toiled endlessly through the month, striving to achieve his goal of contructing a lab in which to endeavor in evil scientific experiments. I, on the other hand, had in my mind the idea of building a comfortable, underground home all for myself and my sister. Surprisingly, we got pretty far down – approxiamatley 5-6 feet below the earth, and that is pretty impressive for a couple of 10 year olds, if I do say so myself. It only took about a week to get that far, which was fast for our standards. Everything was going great… Our holes were deeper than ever, the earth was well tilled and soft enough to dive iinto, and I already had plans for a two bedroom house with underground plumming and game room! It seemed as if nothing in the world could stop us. And then, during one particularly stormy week, it rained…
Needless to say, both of us abandoned our fruitless projects after our holes caved in and the sun began to beat down upon our backs to an overbearing extent. My hole still remains in my backyard, though, covered with leaves and left to rot in the luminous sunshine. I suppose I shouldn’t have gotten too carried away, but the fact that I tried to do the impossible is something in itself. Then again, kids will do almost anything for a pinch of recognition…
– Mitch