Happy 2nd Aniversary WALL•E!!!!!

Yay, happy birthday WALL-E! I’m going to watch it this evening in its honour. :smiley:

Whooo! Happy 2nd Birthday WALL-E! :smiley: Funny, yesterday was my sister’s 1st birthday. I guess it’s been a very busy-birthday weekend! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, happy birthday to the best Sci-fi movie ever made. I might watch it tonight as well.

Goodness, wherever did the time go?

A very happy birthday to cinema’s most endearing robot creation, and his marvellous movie. :smiley:

Happy 2nd birthday WALL-E!!!

I’m celebrating tonight by watching the movie on my grandparents big TV! Haha, and I just realized I saw WALL-E the second time at their house and it’s WALL-E’s second birthday. :laughing:

Happy birthday, WALL-E!!!

I also celebrated today by watching the movie on the living room TV. I was going to post a piano cover of “The Axiom” on Youtube in celebration also, but my computer like, exploded. :frowning: It says the video still has to render all night. Oh well, it probably be up tomorrow. Better late than never!

I’m excited! Check the sig!

Happy 2nd birthday to my favorite animated film!

I remember when it came out, I didn’t even really want to see it that much! (I was a huge Pixar fan, but it didn’t interest me). I saw it, and I LOVED it!

Happy Anniversary to one of the greatest movies I’ve ever seen and a film that truly did change my life for the better. Plus Wall-E’s “birthday” is a day before my birthday, I think that’s pretty cool :wink:

Happy (early) Birthday!!! How old are you turning?

I know what you mean when you say that an animated film changed your life for the better!
There was this one guy I barely knew, and when I first talked to him, we got on the topic WALL-E and it was both of our favorite animated film! Anywho, we became friends. And eventually boyfriend/girlfriend. And then prom dates. We broke up, but we’re still friends! I told him about WALL-Es “b-day” today, and he was excited to hear that news!

Happy Birthday/Anniversary to WALL-E!

Happ•E Anniversar•E to my favourite Pixar film of all-time! :slight_smile: May you remain timeless for generations to come…

To celebrate the occassion, I’ve written my first Wall•E fanfic, and reuploaded some of my old videos from my previously deleted account. points to sig

Here’s to the trash-bot who saved the world! :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy Anniversary to the little garbage droid and his movie which has inspired Star Vacation (and my spin-off series to it, Directive) and most of my artwork! WALL•E forever!!!

That is perfectly true for me as well. WALL-E is one of my absolute favorite movies now. There’s not a single day that passes without me thinking about a scene or aspect of WALL-E.

Thanks PIXAR! :wink:

I must say, I shocked that it’s been two years already. WALL-E is now my very favorite movie of all time, but it seems like just yesterday I was going to see it for the first time.

Two years later, it’s still a fantastic film, and I still listen to the soundtrack quite often. I also keep my little die-cast figure of WALL-E on my desk just to have my favorite little robot around.

Happy two year anniversary, WALL-E!

To see it in the theater just once more would be incredible! But, watching it at home on it’s second anniversary for my second time ever was just as extraordinary.

Congratulations on two amazing years!

2 whole years of inspiration, laughs, tears, heart, hope, and love!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I cannot wait to shake Andrew Stanton’s hand and tell him how much I just love this film!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I know! This movie will be one for the ages!

And welcome to the boards, Blessed Light. I can see you are a huge WALL•E fan. :smiley: You’ll meet a lot of-like minded fans here too!

Happy 2nd Birthday to Wall-E!

I’m gonna have to re-watch the film again before long now that Toy Story 3 has been wrapped up, cause it not only had such a cute robotic couple but a pretty deep message on our everyday life as well, which is the thing that really impressed me back when I saw it in theaters (and now it makes me feel bad that I had to get so sidetracked with all the Toy Story 3 hype that my mind drifted off of that). Funny how I call myself a Wall-E fan by my username yet I start to spend most of my time talking about Toy Story.

Thank you very much, JustSoWall-eCrazy, for your warm welcome! :slight_smile:

Since I am very new to Pixar Planet, it is just an AWESOME opportunity to meet fellow Pixar fans, get to know their opinions, talk about the films, discuss, and learn about Pixar…and I think it’s like finding a treasure chest because I want to take all that I’m learning with me when (God willing) I’m offered a job at the studio!

I had been looking forward to the opening day of WALL-E for SOOOOO LONG...but things got complicated that day, and I wasn't fortunate enough to see it the day it came out.... :frowning:  But when I finally DID go see it, it was like a sign from God... :slight_smile:  Never before has any other Pixar movie touched me before personally, and that's why I know WALL-E will always remain my favorite! :slight_smile:

I spent the second anniversary of the film this year listening to the soundtrack and studying the section of WALL-E in my “Pixarpedia” book! :slight_smile:

THREE CHEERS FOR ANDREW STANTON AND WALL-E!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

[quote="Blessed Light

I spent the second anniversary of the film this year listening to the soundtrack and studying the section of WALL-E in my “Pixarpedia” book! :slight_smile:

THREE CHEERS FOR ANDREW STANTON AND WALL-E!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:[/quote]

Welcome to Pixar Planet! it’s always fun to meet new members!

And that’s what I did on the 2nd anniversery too, I re read the WALL-E section in my Pixar Pedia.

Whoo! Go Andrew Stanton and WALL-E! :laughing: