Happy Snacky Aliens

Note: This takes place during Toy Story 1 and is based on the “Fast Food” Toy Story treats. Enjoy.

It had been afternoon in Andy’s room when Woody, Buzz, Rex, and Hamm had before them another Happy Snacky container. Woody looked at it with confusion.

“Where did this Happy Snacky come from?” asked Woody.
“Perhaps after Andy’s mom ordered lunch again,” Hamm replied.
“They went to Pizza Planet if I’m not mistaken.” Rex answered, “Andy really seemed to enjoy it.”

“My scanner readings are detecting signs of life,” Buzz said to himself as he had his scanner open. Woody, in an annoyed manner, sighed and looked over at him.

“Your scanner is just a piece of sticker paper Buzz!” Woody lashed out at him.
“Relax friend!” Buzz replied as he tapped Woody’s chest. He went on, “Anything could be in there.”

Buzz walked over to open the container. He opened it partially and heard squeaking noises and saw green toys in there.

“Oh no! Innocent lifeforms!” Buzz paniced.
“Relax Buzz!” Rex cried.

Buzz, using the handle, tilted down the Happy Snacky container and out came several three, green squeaky little three-eyed aliens.

“ZURG! I know he’s the one behind this!” Buzz grunted, throwing his fist into the air. “State the nature of your business.”
“Let me do the talking,” Woody told Buzz.

Woody walked up to the aliens.

“So they gave you guys away with some french fries and a bugger?” asked Woody.
“We came with chicken nuggets,” implied one of the aliens.
“For free?” asked Hamm.
“Of course not!” Rex lashed out. “They wouldn’t make good business running it that way!”
“I think he means the aliens were free with the customer’s lunch,” Woody intervened.
“Ohh…” was all Rex could respond as he rested down his short, tiny arms.

Woody sniffed, smelling something.

“Did any of you remember to keep the door shut? The smell of chesseburgers are really getting to me.” complained Woody with a grin.
“Guess not!” Buzz answered. FADE OUT.

Very well done…has great sense but i rather short.

review 7.5/10

It is well written…

Thanks Al. I do plan on writing more of these and I’mma make 'em longer if you want. This one was so short because I’m basing this from the Toy Story shorts.

How’s that Toy Story 3 script coming?

Not bad…still thinking about certain parts…but doing okay.