Haunt's Art

Aww, that’s nice of you haunt. But you got a great approval from PV too. She is just a die hard TI fan like I am.

Mitch: Finally! Someone else agrees with me about Vi wearing glasses. I had a couple of pics from last year where she was older and wearing them, but folks thought it looked weird. :confused:

TSS: Ah, too right! Well then, I guess if all my Incredibles buddies are happy then so am I.
By the by, I still owe you a severely belated b-day pic. I should get on that. :open_mouth:

Oh that’s right! i almost forgot! Oh well, at least you made me a little happy with the summer pic. And don’t worry about it. Two months have passed since my b-day. You need not worry.

Haunt - Seriously? I think they look rather cute on her! At least, she looks more charming with them on anyway. :wink:


Just my warm-up scribbles for the night. Doodle includes weird perspective and hasty

colors. Batteries sold separately. :smiley:

Aww, the linguini picture looks really adorable!

Really nice Haunt. You draw him so well.


don’t know how much I like that piece, Haunt. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously, though, look at

that! I absolutely love the perspective and the colors and the “theme” and

the… Blah! It’s awesome! :mrgreen:

I love your Ratatouille art! :slight_smile: Very

nice style.

Oh man, that is a great drawing.

I love it. Nice work. :wink:

Dude, the

perspective on that piece is awesome! The colors are really neat, as well. Their expressions are

“inspiring” somehow…seem to be saying “Let’s do this thing!” all over again. Or, it looks

like their in trouble. Either one! :laughing:

You get on yourself, Haunt, but I

reeeeaaally love your work! :smiley:

I’m lovin it Haunt! :mrgreen:
(That’s about all I can say since errybody’s done said it



Oh my gosh that’s amazing, I love the bored expression on

Linguini’s face and Remy looks superb! :smiley:


Thank you!

Glad you like it. It still looks odd to me in some places,

but it’s kinda grown on me too.

Thanks. I was going to try to go

with Pixar’s style, but Hand won over Brain and my style broke through. Heh, maybe never


Bill: Hey, thanks Bill!


Yeah, it was sorta one of those “…who says what now?” kind of moments. I was practicing with

expression most that night.
And I do get on myself a lot, and I’m never satisfied with my work. I figure the

harder I am on myself, the more motivated I’ll become to improve. Though that tactic’s been know to back

fire, resulting in an art slump. :frowning:

Thank you


You know, for some reason a lot of my Linguini doodles have

that expression. I blame the “drunk scene”.

That one is cool, Haunt! I love both of their expressions… :wink:

Haunt- I LOVE it! Linguini has such a cool look about him- it’s like a less

fumbly, more mature and chilled out version of Linguini! The black lines on his jaw are a little harsh, but

everything else is perfect. The hair is so full and thick, and the expression on Remy’s face is just adorable!


Ahh, the drunk scene, gotta love it. ;-p

I second what sharpie said. Heheh. :wink:

What’s on the agenda next,


You are really welcome Huant. Can’t wait for the next one.

Mitch: Don’t know. whatever floats into m head I suppose. Kinda

like the last one.
I do have a lot of failed Vi and/or Dash sketches built up on my lappy. There’s

TSS’s super belated b-day pres, too. There was a short (1 page) Vi and Jack Jack

comic I had the idea for the other night. And then my big project of the summer has Vi and Dash in several

panals. They also tend to cameo in a lot of my super hero related storyline.
So basic shrug. Lots of TI

and some Rata. I draw what iTunes tells me to draw.[/b]

Haunt - Wow. Lots of

“incredible” ideas, I hear… (Please excuse the pun – heh.) Well, whatever you roll out onto the

paper is cool by me! All of your artwork is awesome, in my opinion. Do whatever floats your boat. :wink: