Hi, I'm new here

Not everyone likes Pixar :laughing:

But it would be great if they made a site merged from Twitter, Facebook, Blogspot, etc… (maybe Pixar Planet? :stuck_out_tongue:) Best of both worlds!

Don’t worry [b:1qw6rt78]STFun[/b:1qw6rt78], Toy Story 3 is going to be released on VHS…in Europe.

Also, I don’t understand your name. If you are making fun of Star Trek, then I am a little offended, because I am a fan of the show, and happen to think it is [u:1qw6rt78]very[/u:1qw6rt78] fun.

I’m sorry, but if this thread is going to be locked I figured I’d at least make my mark on it. :-\

What do you think [b:1qw6rt78]STFun[/b:1qw6rt78]?

I’d love to be friends on both :mrgreen:

TSFan, this site is only for Pixar fans. Non-Pixar fans probably aren’t interested.

ZacB: Opposite for me. I was totally ignored on Facebook, so I just deleted my account. Twitter is a lot more fun.

Chuckle Nick, I adore Star Trek! I particularly like Chewbacca and E.T. :smiley: Don’t be offended. Also, I don’t live in Europe. I think you’d better work on your geography knowledge, young man! :stuck_out_tongue:

Virginia, I was meaning to ask, how many channels are there on the internet websites?

In that case, glad to know you’re a fan.

Twitter is fun, and I like how you can get away with posting updates like… every minute, if you wanted to. One girl I know put statuses loads on her Facebook and everyone got annoyed how they took up most of their ‘Recent Updates’ section :laughing:

If more people I knew went on Twitter, I would definatley convert!

And sure IncredigirlVirginia, I probably seem really lame and annoying on both, but I will message you if you want of my name?

Yes, ZacB, you can message me! :sunglasses:

TSFan, I don’t understand what you’re asking. On Pixar Planet , we have many forums you can comment on, and even a chatroom! :smiley: I could help you make a Facebook or Twitter, if you want.

I am a huge fan. What’s your favorite episode? Mine is “Nightmare at 20,000 Feet” :smiley: Or is that the Twilight Zone? I can’t remember.

Oh and Virginia, I’d love it if you’d help me make one of those internet websites! It would be great owning a whole website.

Probably “Amok Time”, although it’s a difficult decision to make, and yes, that episode was indeed from the Twilight Zone, which is another show I adore. You may confuse the episode for a Star Trek entry, since they both happen to star William Shatner.

No, I mean like you’d have a profile where you can talk to people, like this.


TSFan when you register for Twitter and Facebook, you don’t own it :laughing:

Sorry Chuckle Nick, my memory is fuzzy, I don’t remember a whole lot of those old Star Wars episodes. What happens in it?

Oh, what do you mean I don’t own the internet website? You said you’d help me make one, Virginia! If I make it, who’s going to own it? :confused:

It seems to me that you are confusing these two franchses for each other, and don’t say “No” because you already mentioned that you were a fan of Star Trek.

You are part of that website, then you add your friends and people you know. Like for example, a parent, best friend, enemies ( :laughing:) you get the idea. You don’t own it, someone has already owned it and created the whole idea. Then people sign up and put in their name, a picture of yourself for people to recognize you, then add people and put stuff on your info, and then your all set :slight_smile:

I told you, I’m a big fan of Star Trek. Why the confusion, Chuckle Nick?

Oh, and thank you for clearing that up for me, Zac. You’re a good kid. :slight_smile:

What other Pixar films do you like then, TSFan, other than Toy Story 1 and 2?

Well, Facebook is owned by the corperation who owns google. If you want, you can make a page where you upload a photo of yourself and put info like relationship status and favorite movie, and you can talk to your friends. It’s really fun.

Oh, thanks for telling me Virginia, could you make me one? I’d appreciate it.

Zac, my favorite movie is Steel Magnolias, and I also adore Bride Wars.

My mom’s favorite movie is Steel Magnolias (I never saw it) but I loathe Bride Wars.