
She said she needed it, so I did. :slight_smile:

^ i know thats what this thread is here for!!! :sunglasses:

Sorry :blush:

For What???

Hugs!!! Yay!!! hugs everyone she can wrap her arms around

And Ami, you need a really big hug from me! gives Ami a big hug

Mopar, for stating the obvious.

No Prob. i do that occasionally…

Hehe… thanks :blush:! Your on fire (no pun intended) with your hugs yourself Garrett :wink:

LightningandDoc: Awwww thanks! :smiley: hugs back I feel so special now XD

Modeltrainman: Thanks to you too! hugs

Your welcome and thanks… :blush:

hugs everyone in sight

hugs skunklover :smiley:

gives Ami big bear hugs :smiley:

Yay for hugfests and bearhugs! :mrgreen:

hugs away

Sorry for the DP, but I’m going off now for bed and won’t be back til next Saturday :frowning:

I love you all! hugs all round Bye!!

Bye Ami hugs

Y’all can’t love me yet! I haven’t been here long enough! :wink:

I’m just passen’ out hugs here!
We need a hug smily…if that’s possible…

Ami: hugs I am sorry to hear about you being teased, I wish I could spread the wealth of the Pixar sibling love, because I’ve brainwashed my siblings to love Pixar! Anyway hug

Modeltrainman: No matter how new you are, every Pixar fan deserves hugs! hug

If I ever needed a hug, it’s today! I auctioned off my two steers today, I’ve had them since October 2009! They were so adorable and sweet, but now they’re going to be meat :`-(

gives Kenzie a reassuring hug It’s okay.

~ Gives everyone a hug~ did I miss anyone?

Wow the thread is growing… i need a hug :frowning: