I can't believe Monsters Inc lost to Shrek.

This completely sums up my feelings–especially after seeing MI with subtitles yesterday and finding it more hilarious than Shrek, especially in light of the franchise milking of it. My tiny brain at the time would have picked Shrek too for much of the same reasons everyone has here: it was good, solid, funny entertainment that had a donkey voiced by Earl Murray–I mean, Eddie Murphy. My grown up brain would have seen the future and told it to beg my tiny brain to see MI instead.

I honestly thought that Shrek was overrated. The story was a typical guy rescues princess with strange music video parodies in between. The soundtrack on Monster Inc was way better not to mention the story.

That does make it sound like they were tired of giving it to Disney and thought they would give it to someone else if someone else happened to come out with a good animated movie and Shrek was a good movie, not going to deny…but of course I liked Monsters Inc. better. Some of the Shrek sequels that came out later on though were really not very good at all. x_x

Since watching Shrek 4, I can definitely say that Monsters Inc has aged far better than it’s counterpart. I guess only time will tell if Monsters University, though, can uphold itself against the amazingness that is Shrek 2 [*]

Also, in this discussion I’m surprised no one else mentioned the other contender Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius. I mean, I guess I’m not surprised it lost to Shrek either, but at the time I thought it was a way more creative film.

I never saw Shrek 4 but I didn’t like the 3rd one very much and only heard bad things about the 4th one so I never saw it. I just felt like it started to go downhill to the point that I didn’t really want to watch it anymore.

I bet the new Monsters Inc. movie that’s due to come out in 2013 will be better.

I don’t remember Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius. I don’t think I ever saw that movie.

I hope so, I would love to see a new adventure starring Mike and Sulley, but I just hope that the film doesn’t fall into the same “Buddy Movie” cliches about how two characters hate each other and they pick Conflicts and try to one up each other only to face some dramatic Plot Climax only to overcome it by working together and have a Resolution where they’re suddenly all friends. This plot has been done so many times and while it worked for Toy Story, I still find it particularly boring and unimaginative. I know the first half is true, but at please please please don’t follow the rest of the contrived formula. I would find it much more believable if they slowly grew more attached to each other, like Dory and Marlin in Finding Nemo or heck even Tomater and McQueen.

I was actually in a PIXAR lecture this week, Wayne Wooten of the Renderman graphics division was showing off some new concept art, design models and test footage from the film. Looks pretty promising.

I liked them both the same so I can’t say which one is better.

Really you got to see some stuff from the new Monsters movie? Lucky. Anything with Randall?

Anyway I agree that I hope the movie will be unique in it’s own way. If they do use a similar formula though, hopefully they have enough other stuff in the movie that it makes it unique overall.

I tooootally agree with this.

I’m not sure about the music part of it, but I liked Monsters Inc a lot better than Shrek. I liked Shrek 1 and 2, I HATED the third one, and the fourth one was okay.