I need help naming my villain.......

I like Armande, Jarrett too, but maybe that’s because it’s so close to the name Jareth. <3

Delano just sounds antagonistic, so that’s what I voted for. Can’t wait to read your fanfic, CGI! :wink:

I voted for “Armande” due to its masculine definition and strength of pronunciation.

Generally, I also tend to choose names/cognomens that harness a meaning relative to that of its character counterpart, as it seems to give the entity himself/herself more personality, in a way. (At least, to me it does.)

Have fun writing your story, and I hope that you choose a suitable name for your character! :wink:

– Mitch

I’d say either Jarrett or Mason. I don’t know why, they just seem more villian-y than the others.

Well it was a toss up for me between Mason and Marshall since I liked the names and they seemed kind of villian-y to me.

I chose Delano. It has a sort of ring to it.
I can’t wait to read your story, and I hope you’ll read mine, too! [url]Sheila's Ratatouille FanFiction]


I voted for Andre. It sounds like a cool name, at the same time, it sounds like he can crush you.


Thanks for all the votes, guys - I guess once they stop coming in, I’ll switch to a vote between the top three of something.

And about the fic, it’s still in the development stage, so who knows how long it’ll be before it’s up. Thanks for the comments! :wink: :smiley:

I voted Percival, I can’t really describe why, but it sounds evil. Is this villain going to be a rat, or a ratty man?

I chose Beaumont.

Like what Colette Linguini said, I’d love to read your story, and in addition I hope you’ll read and review my fanfic “Ratatouille 2”.

In response to RMSH and ColetteLinguini - I try to avoid looking at too much of a similar story to mine while I’m writing it. Although I’d never steal ideas from anyone, sometimes what ends up in my story can turn out “inspired” (in lack of a better term) by someone else’s story. It’s just a matter of trying to stay original, I’m weird that way - LOL. I’ll still look into your stuff though, when I get the chance. :slight_smile:

I realized I haven’t answered your question, martini833. :laughing: He’s a very dangerous, very mean black rat. In fact, I FINALLY managed to get a drawing up of him. Take a look! :smiley:



OK!!! Round two!!! :smiley: :sunglasses: And the final. So it seems that you can’t edit posts and I figure I shouldn’t start a new poll for it, so we’re gonna do this “old-school”. :sunglasses: I appreciate everyones’ votes, and we’ve gotten down to three top names.

  • Jarrett
  • Armande
  • Delano

Please post with your vote between these three and I’ll count 'em up (looking at the above pic will probably aid in your decision since you’ll be able to see what he looks like). On a side note, the other names that were voted on but didn’t end up on the final three will probably end up as names for other members of the bad colony.

Thanks, guys!

Armande, IMhO, is a great name for a villain. So is Jarrett. So is Delano.

But if you want my absolute favorite, I would have to say that what you came up with, Jarrett, is the best of the three.

Can’t wait to see your fanfic!

I still say Delano!

OK, I just need a few more votes and it will be decided! I must’ve stayed up 'till alomost 4 AM the other night writing this fic! :nerd:

What is this story about?

The general jist is that Linguini and Colette are off on their honeymoon, so Remy and his family are keeping an eye on the temporarily-closed La Ratatouille until they get back - but between Django training his sons to become the new colony leaders and an unexpected appearance by “Jarret’s” colony, things are not going to be as easy as hoped.

Trust me, the story’s better than it sounds. :laughing:

CGI: That’s great, because it sounds awesome! :smiley:

Hopefully it is. :wink: And hopefully it won’t take me a year to finish it. :open_mouth:

I voted for the guy to be named Armande. It’s sounds like a great name for a villian. :wink: