If You Were...

Brad Bird. I haven’t seen a movie of his I don’t absolutely love (but then I haven’t seen the new MI movie). 8D

If you could have a thousand dollars, what would you spend it on?

Some Guitar equipment.

If you were to see one movie this year, which movie would it be?

…Argh! >-< I’ll vote Brave, but The Hunger Games was close.

If you could meet a Pixar character in real life, whom would it be?

Mr Incredible or Remy or Woody.

If you could be a Pixar character, which would you be?

A pre-madness Charles Muntz.

If you were to create a character RIGHT NOW, how would you name her/him?

Grey, because I like the name in general and it sounds kinda cool. (Also, good answer to pixarmilan’s question!)

If you could have any original, well-known piece of artwork hanging in your living room, what would it be?

Maybe Mona Lisa.

If you were given the choice, would you rather have Long, Short or Medium hair?

I do have choice but dont really care.
If you were given a choice to kill your self with one bullet or be sliced into a million peices by someone else what would you choose

Kill myself with one bullet.

If you had the choice would you rather have a Dog or a Cat?


If you were to acquire a dog today, which type would you get?


If you had to face one of the two, would you rather face a Lion or a Tiger?

A lion, they’re more handsome.

If you had to live in the desert or the jungle, which would you pick?


If you were to travel trough a desert location, would you prefer it to be a dune or an ice wasteland?

Ice wasteland, because I might have more chance for survival there.

If you could be any animal, which would you choose to be?

A wolf.

Next question?

If you were to keep and endangered animal for a breeding program to save the species, what would you keep?

Mountain Gorilla.

If you were to be able to be in one music band in history, which one would it be?

As in not active anymore? Genesis.

If you could see any band/individual artist live, who would it be?

John Williams.

If you could live in a fictional world, which one would you choose?