
Yeah, I noticed that.

[spoil]The suicide of the wife as a result of the husband’s actions is also an important theme in other Nolan’s films: Memento and The Prestige.[/spoil]

:astonished: Nice job there Spirit, I didn’t even notice that! It’s an especially big deal in [spoil]Memento, pretty much the driving force of the whole film. [/spoil]

My dad and I were discussing the similarities between Shutter Island and Inception, we found another: [spoil]an ambiguous ending. Is Dom in reality, or is he in a dream? Is Teddy willing to accept death and die on his terms, or did he really forget everything again?[/spoil]

I agree on this too, but for different reasons.
I think it was that my hype for Inception was that it would be a great movie, and it was a great movie, so it hit the mark and didn’t go further than that. However, with the Dark Knight I expected it to be a good movie and it ended up being a great movie, making it feel like a better movie.

Overall though, I think I hold them pretty equally.

EDIT: I just realized you guys already found out about the first link, but the discovery with the second appears to be new, so…

I found something incredibly interesting that unfortunately gives us a definite ending.

Take that, and listen to the final track of the film [spoil](which starts playing when they wake up on the plane)[/spoil] and you’ll see why this is so important.[/spoil]

I will be sure to check out these links you posted the second I get the chance FlyingGiraffe. I am currently detained, so it may be a while.

I’m so happy to see this thread active again :smiley:

Nice find FlyingGiraffe. I had seen the first video you posted already, and I still find it very…disturbing, for some reason. The second video is also amazing; I love the soundtrack for this film. Although I do see what you mean about the similarities between the two tracks, I don’t think it’s enough to give us a definite ending. I think it’s entirely up to the viewer to decide whether [spoil]Cobb is in reality or stuck in limbo.[/spoil] Personally, I prefer to go with the former, just because I’m an optimist :wink:

Well that’s what I’m saying. The ending track, from when he’s off the plane, is missing the classic BUUURRRRRRRR. Just by going off the soundtrack I’d say [spoil]Cobb is back in reality.[/spoil]

Oh yes, there is no doubt in my mind that [spoil]Cobb is in reality at the end of the film.[/spoil]

Oops, my mistake there FlyingGiraffe :blush: I thought you meant he was [spoil]definitely in a dream.[/spoil] Either way though, I think it’s up to the viewer. There’s lots of evidence for both sides of the argument.

Can you say “BUUURRRRRR”?
Very good!

Do you have any idea what this movie is about?

Me Niether!

hugs love70ways

That little girl was so cute! And also very articulate: “Can you point to the object that represents a resilient parasite of an idea indistinguishable in the tangled nature of the subconcious human mind?..Thaaaat’s right!” 8D

I still haven’t seen this movie… haha. But I really want to… it sounds way interesting.

I still need to see it as well.

Funny you should say that DNs24voices. I just went to see it yesterday, by myself. I originally went to see Scott Pilgrim, but it wasn’t playing at that theater, so i just watched Inception again. It was the first time I’d ever gone to a movie alone.

I’ll start off by saying Inception has been the movie I’ve been literally waiting for all summer. I went to see this movie with a mate yesterday at this dinghy arthouse theatre cos’ I got two free tickets from answering a survey. The screen was incredibly small (the height of a typical school projector, and the width of a living room), but my god, the story more than made up for the underwhelming screen size!

I’m a fan of Nolan after Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, so naturally I was excited for this movie. While HTTYD exceeded my expectations and TS3 narrowly missed it, this one met mine exactly. It is an incredible masterpiece of filmmaking, and no amount of hyped-up superlatives I can throw at it will be able to surmise it. It is an adventure of the mind in every sense of the word, and you have to see it to experience it.

I’m not going to describe the plot or the characters, since it’s best for newcomers to go in knowing as little of the story as possible. All I’ll say is I love the whole meta/multi-narrative aspect of it- as most of you would know by know, I’m a fan of mash-ups and crossovers, and Inception draws on the entire history of the film medium; from James Bond to Space Odyssey, Paprika to The Matrix, M.C. Escher to Heat, and everything in between. All the characters are endearing, and they’re played by an equally stellar cast. Cobb’s sub-plot even reminded me of Up in a way, and the music is as distinctive as ever by the awesomely-talented Hans Zimmer (although the end track ‘Time’ sounds too much like John Murphy’s ‘Surface of the Sun’). The story might also confuse some initially, though after some explanation from my viewing partner, I understood almost all of it, save for the heart-stopping final scene.

But overall, it is a powerful tribute; to the surrealistic quality of dreams, the infinite imagination of artists and the ‘leap of faith’ they take in their works, the wonder of films and music, and the importance of a good story. And like Toy Story 3 and How to Train Your Dragon, the ending was perfect. I can’t recommend this film enough.

What is it with people having a problem going to the movies alone!? I have a friend who says that he will have hit rock bottom, the day he goes to a movie alone. :unamused: But he see’s nothing wrong with going to a restaurant alone. That makes no sense to me. There are no tables for one in restaurants! There are only restaurants that have bars! But he doesn’t drink. I go to the movies alone all the time. It’s not like you can hold conversations during the whole movie (if you have respect for other paying customers). So I don’t see what’s the big deal.

I think it’s sort of the social norm that most people would treat going to the movies as a communal event. It’s like eating at a fancy restaurant, you’d rarely do it alone; while renting movies or watching it on cable is similar to eating fast-food or takeaway in that it is more acceptable as a solo activity.

I personally don’t see anything wrong with it- if after a few weeks, none of my friends are interested in seeing a movie I want to watch in cinemas, I just go see it by myself. If I had lost interest by then, I just wait for DVD. I did the ‘lone ranger act’ with Cars, Avatar, Up and Despicable Me, and I enjoyed the experience as much as I did if I had my chums with me.

But usually I’d ask my friends first. It’s just that having movie partners gives a better incentive to make the trip in the “we’re all in this together” fun sort of way, and some of my most memorable movie experiences (Wall-E, The Dark Knight, Happy Feet, Casino Royale, Toy Story 3, How to Train Your Dragon) were done with friends and family.

I thought I was the only one to notice this! Glad to see I wasn’t just hearing things. Sunshine is an underrated movie, with an amazing soundtrack. Although I love both tracks, I like ‘Time’ a little better.

Anyway, glad you finally got around to seeing it TDIT. So, what was your take on the ending?

[spoil]It was all a dream…[/spoil] :stuck_out_tongue:

Laugh out loud, I was just telling my movie buddy that it’s exactly that cliched ending you’d write for an elementary school essay. “[spoil]I was chased by the boogey man, and just when he was about to catch me, I woke up. It was all a dream…[/spoil]” 8D

No really, I think [spoil]he was in reality[/spoil]. From comments I’ve read online, [spoil]the children have aged (though I thought they looked the same to me), and the top skitters and falters, which doesn’t happen when he spins it in a dream (but the camera never holds on a ‘dream top’ for very long for us to see how long it continuously spins).[/spoil]

The article that love70ways posted awhile back also mentioned that if we were to believe that [spoil]characters cannot dream within their own dream, then it would be impossible for Cobb to be in one at the end, since he dreamed several times throughout the movie. Then again, Nolan could’ve just left the ‘dreamers’ behind in each level as a red herring, and it could be possible within the film’s universe but we just don’t know it.[/spoil]

But I’m an optimist. [spoil]He wins in the end.[/spoil] I want to believe he does, which ties in to the whole movie’s theme of taking a “leap of faith”.

I only heard ‘Surface of the Sun’ because it was in ‘The Adjustment Bureau’ trailer, but I am curious to see Sunshine. Personally I preferred ‘SotS’ more cos’ it’s longer and more ‘tear-jerking’. :slight_smile:

the newest creation from Christopher Nolan, a mind blowing film,


Dude, I haven’t seen this movie in a long time since it came out in theatres! I need to see it again!