Is there one that you love less?

Rac, I can see your point. I like A Bug’s Life, and it’s not the bottom of my list, but it’s not very emotional for me. And to me, emotion is a very big factor of Pixar’s movies.

Honestly, I don’t find any of Pixar’s movies to be relateable to my life, or at least I haven’t noticed. I just like them because they’re so good they move me to tears and consume my existence.

I see your point, too, Leirin and KHstar. Cars is great, but I can see how you don’t like it.

To me, ABL and Cars are the…easiest to dislike. Everyone seems to dislike them, or like them least. They also have the two most predictable stories, I just love the characters and sets. The emotion makes them, for me at least.

Evil: HERACY!!!

Just kidding. I don’t see how everyone loves TS3 and can’t see the pure perfection of the original two, but I’m…trying to understand. I thought the third one was flat-out mediocre for Toy Story standards, but I have high standards, so that’s my fault.
Like, is there any particular reason you don’t like the first one as well? I’m trying to understand without stepping on any toes.

IV- In short, he’s very patronising and I don’t like the way he considers himself to be a ‘class above’ all of the other rats. It’s almost as if he’s unable to empathise with them at all, and if he can’t empathise with them, why should they empathise with him? He also has a very annoying voice, I find. :laughing:

Ah. I can see that…he always talks about how great humans are. And I agree, Patton Oswalt does have an irritating voice.

My least favorite is
drum roll
A bug’s life.

It doesn’t convey a message like the others do. Thats my 1.5 cents.

I can see that, PPT. It seemed the least epic, if nothing else.

Aw, I love Patton Oswalt’s voice!

I don’t dislike him, but a lot of people find him really irritating.

I thought it was annoying too. And his laugh is really weird, it sorta reminds me of Santa Clause for some reason. XD

Cars, i kinda like the movie, but when i watch it it feels like im watching a dreamworks movie, also i dont find matter funny, i finf him ANNOYING! :imp:

There are a lot of people who find Mater annoying. Especially around here. I don’t see why, but I respect that. :laughing:

runs from Virginia’s wrath 8D

Hmm. Well, I guess the reason I don’t like the first two as much is that I didn’t grow up with them like a lot of people here did. I saw them once or twice when I was young, but I just didn’t connect to them as much. I watched the first two recently, and I like them a lot better now than I did when I was younger, but they’re still not my favorites. Maybe it’s because I never really played with toys as a child? Anyway, the reason I found the third one so good was because I truly connected with it. I’m the same age as Andy, and next year, I’ll be heading off to unversity too. For me, the third one was about growing up and moving on. That one scene where [spoil]Andy’s mom looks around his empty bedroom[/spoil] had me in tears. Keep in mind though, I still love the first two, just not as much as I love Pixar’s other movies :wink:

Ah, okay. For what it’s worth, I never opened my toys(except for Buzz, Woody, and Jesie I carried them everywhere :laughing: ). I just set them around and imagined them doing things. To me, though, they’re not toys. They’re not even pixels. They’re like real people, only better. They’ll never lose interest in me, leave me, or get annoyed with me. The Toy Story characters mean as much to me as the Incredibles characters, and that’s why it speaks to me so much. I’ve seen them hundreds of times, and I still scream bloody murder every time Woody’s arm rips. :frowning:

Hmm… Well obviously, being on this site in the first place, I love all Pixar films. However, if I had to pick one, I would choose Bug’s Life. I don’t know, it just didn’t connect to me in a profound manner as much as I felt the rest of their films did. I still love it though!

^I can agree with that. It’s not at the bottom of my list, but I agree that it has the weakest overall message.

Toy Story 3, Up and Wall-e.
Maybe it´s because they are the newest Pixar movies and haven´t grown on me enough. I need to rewatch Toy Story 3 again, though

Cars dreamworks?grinds teeth,and tries not to yell a mean word.I hate it when people say that :imp: …just no…Cars is Nothing like a dreamworks movie…I can’t believe a “Pixar Fan” would say something like that… :confused: I do agree on Mater being annoying though…

Crude humor CHECK

Vain character CHECK

pop or famous songs CHECK

Masive marqueting CHECK

Any questions?

lord_zedd:First off Crude humor?I saw nothing “crude” in Cars,suggestive,maybe…Um,you do realise that other Pixar films have those things,right?And how many main characters don’t start off vain,huh? Naveen=vain character at first,so that’s one example.Famous songs?Really, that has no credit because that song “Freak out” was used on Toy Story 3.The only famous song on Cars was “Route 66” and “Life is a Highway”.And what movie doesen’t get marketed a lot.You should have seen how may people were hyping up TS3.Oh,and friendly reminder it’s spelled “massive”…and I don’t have any questions,do you?

You know you are right altought the most marketed pixar film is cars, the film uses 2 pop songs, ts3 used 1, and the only pixar character that was vain in the beginning was Mr incredible , aside from lighting mcqueen

lord_zedd:Ok and?Who cares?It’s very sad when people find the least little petty thing to complain about or use as a negative…sigh