K9Girl's art!

Well, you’ve inspired me, K9Girl: I’m going to start posting my fanart, too! Anyway, your stuff is way cute! I love love love the cardboard Lightning! He is so cute!

Aw, that’s great! Please do post some of your fanart!

Well, thank you very much! Your art is very nice. :slight_smile:

To celebrate ten day until Brave (Already???) Here’s something I did with my calendar. (I’ve been doing this with upcoming Pixar movies for several years)

I love what you did with your calendar! Oh, and for some reason when I last looked at your art I coudln’t see the ABL drawing you did; it loaded it today and I love it! It’s gorgeous! Nicely done! And thanks for complimenting my art!

That’s really cute what you did to your calendar Grace!

Great job with both things! Particularly the drawing, it looks very nice and colourful.

Nice drawing of the tree where the anthill is. And the calendar image was funny!

I haven’t made much Pixar art lately, but I’m currently working on an art project I am SO excited about right now! :mrgreen: I hope to enter it in the Pixar Planet Awards, and the deadline’s coming up, so if it’s not up here in the next few days, feel free to scold me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Looking forward to seeing it, K9Girl! :smiley:

Sounds great Grace! Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us?

I think that’s the sand on Ant Island! :slight_smile:

Can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeve, K9Girl. Take all the time you need!

Well, here it is! I call it ‘The Color of Pixar’! Considering how terrible my computer art generally is, I’m quite happy with this. 8D Hope you enjoy it!

Ooooh!! I love it! What a cool idea! You did an absolutely wonderful job, K9Girl!

Great! One of your best pieces.

Man, I haven’t put anything here in a long time!!! I’ve done lots of art, and some fan art, but not much Pixar stuff. Recently I did a picture of Chuckles, though, so here you are!

I don’t know what’s up next, I had an Up thing in progress, so I might finish that, but who knows?

Let me know what you think!

Wow! This looks amazing, K9Girl! I’m not nearly as good at drawing Chuckles, but you got every detail right down to a t! Keep it up!

Nice! It’s great to see Chuckles get some fan art, he’s so underappreciated.

Hi!! Been a while since I posted anything here. But I have a new thing to show you! I’m not 100% sure I’d called this art, but it was somewhat artistic, I guess? :slight_smile:

Note: Lots of pictures ahead!

So, My brother got me a Merida doll for my birthday last year, which I love! However, her hair just never looked right. It looked too… glamorous? It was curly, but not the wild curls the Merida has.

I thought, I wonder if there’s anything I could do to make it more movie accurate? I decided to take a risk and try it, so first I brushed out her hair.

(sorry about the blurriness)

So then, I had to figure out how to re-curl her hair. I tried a few different techniques, but nothing was working. Then, I found some old hair clips I hadn’t used in a while. I though that I would wrap a strand of hair around the hair clip, and then spray it and leave it overnight. The next morning this was my result:

Success! Here’s the final before and after:

So there you have it!! Not 100% movie accurate, but I find it to be an improvement. I’m at a loss in terms of what my next art project should be. I could use some inspiration from you guys. :slight_smile:


Very nice, K9Girl! It looks really great and I’m impressed you were willing to take a risk and fix her hair up… I’d be too scared to try the same thing on my Merida doll (mostly because I’m no good at fixing up doll hair in the first place 8D ).