Let's talk about Andy...

Oh, yeah, I like Andy! :sunglasses:

If you really look like him, you should let us see. How similar is it?

Hmm… you saying a picture of me?

Or just explain what you mean. You don’t HAVE to upload a pic if that makes you uncomfortable.

No that’s fine… I’m in the process of making dinner right now, so I’ll show you all in a little while. :sunglasses:

Okay, cool! :smiley:

My mom says I look like Andy, which isn’t true at all. I do talk like him and have somewhat similar mannerisms, I will admit. My haircut is more like young Andy. xD

Then again, Bryko, from what you put on Twitter, your mom’s a bit crazy.

Yes, she is, but that’s a whole 'nother story. :laughing:

Ok… seeing me and Andy side by side sort of changed my mind… I’m not that similar to Andy. :confused: I always pictured myself as him (the younger versions) though… :laughing:

You look somewhat like Andy, Snipe :slight_smile:

I see what you mean Snipe! If your hair was longer and styled like his you’d look hella similar!

You should grow your hair out, style it, then pose the same way as Andy in your comparison pic!

That would be pretty cool, wouldn’t it? :laughing: :slight_smile:

If you did what YouUnculturedSwine said, you’d definitely look a lot like Andy, Snipe! You’ve got a similar face shape to him too, so the hair would just complete the look. :smiley:

Snipe:If you grew your hair out you’d look like Andy,you have a nice smile btw. :slight_smile:

Anyone else thinks he looks just a LITTLE like Hiccup from How to train your dragon?

Hmmm, I see where you’re coming from!

I also see the similarity Dragonrider!

I think we should let little chef decide this one. She loves HTTYD!