Lets Talk About DreamWorks Ripoffs....

Well, the Disney greedy streak died with the leaving of Eisner and final deserved rising of John Lasseter.

I hope, it’s still here with all the Hannah Montana and Jonas stuff.

Well Disney Channel is owned and operated by ESPN, so that’s not the same thing, bud.

Disney channel is owned by ESPN? Is that why they have that sport weeky thing?

ESPN owns ABC, ABCFamily, DC, and DXD. More than those, but I know those for sure.

Wow, sounds like the only company that owns ore is stupid Viacom.

That’s true…we’re getting off topic. PM me if you wanna keep talking about Viacom. I hate them :smiley:

The thread is called “Dreamworks rip-offs”. Does that mean movies that people have ripped-off of Dreamworks, or vice versa?

One of the movies that I found to be a rip-off of a Dreamworks’ film was The Wild (Disney). It came out right around the same time that Madagascar did, and it involved basically what seemed to be the same plot as Madagascar.

I’m guessing that I’m not the only one who noticed this, because on the Wikipedia page for The Wild it mentions criticism that was caused because of similarities between the two movies.

I don’t know if this is off-topic at all (it shouldn’t be) or if it was mentioned before, but when I saw the name for this thread, that movie came to mind.

It’s about Dreamworks ripping off Pixar and other films. I agree The Wild is a ripoff of Madagascar though.

Oh… well, I’m sorry. :stuck_out_tongue: The title of the thread made me think otherwise. Thanks for clarifying that!

Then I’d say that Antz was a pretty big rip-off of ABL! I still haven’t seen Antz… and I don’t really think I’d want to. :unamused:

Antz is more a mature version of A Bug’s Life. [i]Anyz came out first but I like A Bug’s Life more.

Shark Tale is also considered a rip-off of Finding Nemo, but the only similarities between the two are the fact that they’re both set underwater. The plot and style is completely different.

Actually, The Wild was apparently in production years before Madagascar. Madagascar just came out sooner.

[quote="Rac_Rules":3u71fos2]Actually, The Wild was apparently in production years before Madagascar. Madagascar just came out sooner.[/quote:3u71fos2]

It was? Praise General Zod!!!

And anyway, CORE made it, Disney just distributed it, anyway, even if it was a rip-off. :-\

I can’t say I hate Dreamworks. They’ve one some movies I liked
Shrek 2
Over the Hedge
How to train your dragon

But with the exception of Dragon, I only “liked” them. but I LOVE Pixar movies. I loved all three Toy Storys, I loved The Incredibles, and Wall-E, I repeatedly watch these and never get tired of them, Dreamworks doesn’t do that. Dreamworks is just fun for the moment but I don’t think too much of them afterwards. And there’s no character in Dreamworks films that I would rush to a theme park to get my picture taken with.
But yeah, even though I don’t hate Dreamworks, even I raised an eyebrow and totally ignored Shark Tale.

Shark tale also features a vegetarian shark

Though the vegetarian shark was a pretty obvious metaphor for homosexuality in Shark Tale, where Finding Nemo it was more addiction.

Vegetarian shark is vegetarian :unamused:

Oh yeah, I never thought of that. Still, I’m not really convinced it’s a rip-off. Maybe Finding Nemo’s underwater theme did inspire Dreamworks to create Shark Tale, but the films are very different hence the underwater setting.

It should also be noted that Shark Tale was less successful than FInding Nemo, both critically and financially.

^Because Sharktale is terrible, and even I enjoy Nemo on some levels.