M-O's Full Story

Here’s a M-O fanfic I made. It’s the full story of how M-O made it on the Axiom. It takes place 20 years before the Axiom left earth.

Chaprter One

M-O didn’t all ways work at the Axiom. He was created by Professor Phillips, a very smart, and sucessful Professor. He used to be called a GP or Germ Picker.
He used to take every germ out of millions of toothbrushes. It was a HUGE factory. Professor Phillips made millions of dollars on his toothbrushes and inventions. He was very greedy and not very nice. Later on he ivented robots for the Axiom. There were millions of GP’s at the factory along with many other robots. M-O wasn’t very good at this job though. M-O couldn’t get even half the germs out of the toothbrushes. One cold winter day Professor Phillips decided he had no further use for M-O so he threw him in the dumpster becuase he couldn’t do his job correctly. Cold, sad, and disgraced M-O layed there untill Spring hopeing he will have a use in the future.

One early spring day a smart 12 year old boy named Jim noticed M-O and took him to his house. Jim didn't have any friends. His house was dirty and had alot of deathly germs. M-O couldn't stand the wreck and cleaned everything in the whole house. Jim took M-O everywhere (even school). M-O was Jim's best and only friend. Everyone was pleased with M-O. Jim studied M-O's parts carefully and made many more cleaning robots. Everyone in Jim's grade thought Jim was the smartest kid ever. He made robots that worked and robots that didn't. He kept and loved all of them though. All day he played with his robots. He was a great kid. He made alot more friends by the time he was 13. His greatest friends were still allways his robots. Over many years he met alot of great people but M-O was allways his best friend.

Oh, this fanfiction is interesting and a good idea. Keep going, I’d like to read more about M-O! :slight_smile:

Chapter 2
20 years later Jim met Professor Phillips. Professor Phillips was at least 80 years old when he met Jim. He was a big fan of Jim’s work at talked to him about building a giant starliner named the Axiom and using some of Jim’s robots. Jim liked the idea and was happy about helping to work on the Axiom. M-O was with Jim at the time and Professor noticed him but he didn’t care. Monthes later when the Axiom was only a quarter of the way done Professor Phillips died.

Days later Jim needed to get some papers from Professor Phillips’s office when he stumbled apon the idea for the Wall-E’s and Wall-A’s. Jim took the paper with him and studied it for awhile. He liked the idea. He quickly made a prototype of a Wall-E and a Wall-A. He went back into his office and found the idea for the Eve’s too. He built an Eve but when it flew it crashed after a few minutes. She also wasn’t able to scan anything. He kept Eve at his office and tried a few more. They all failed though. M-O came into Professor Phillips’s office and saw what was wrong with Eve and quickly fixed it. There was dirt in her wings and scanner so she couldn’t fly nor scan anything. Jim came back into Professor Phillips’s office and dropped his papers when he saw M-O had fixed Eve.

A month before the Axiom was finished arrangements were about who was going on the first flight and who was going to be the captain. Everyone wanted Jim to be the first captain but he refused it at first, but then when many many more people asked him he finally gave in and accepted it. The same day he showed M-O what robots he was going to be cleaning the Axiom with. M-O was happy with the group and eagerly waited for the first launch to space.

that is really nice m-o

i like how it gives a good side to the axiom and mo and a basis for a beggining to all the inventions.

Keep it up another reader here…

Chapter 3
It was the day of the test run of the huge Starliner the Axiom. M-O was very excited. The test run was a week before the actaully launch. The people that built the Axiom and Jim were the only people let on during the test run. There were thousends of people there for the launch off of the Starliner. One person actually tried to sneak in but eventually M-O found him and pushed him out of the Starliner before liftoff. M-O couldn’t wait for the countdown. The 2 hours before that felt like seconds because all the robots got to get on a hoverchair and explore the ship. It was very exciting. M-O very curious about what an egg in a cup was. M-O also had a struggle getting the golf club into his hands.

It was finally time for the countdown. All the robots were at they’re stations and ready for launch. The countdown was very loud and all the Tv screens had the numbers on them. By the time one stroke everyone held on tight as the Starliner rumbled into the air. When it finally made it to the sky confetti shot all of the starliner. Everone was super excited. M-O new he had too clean up all the confetti though. The robots came right to the humans and served them food and catered to them.

Minutes later Jim came onto all the screens. He told everyone about the Axiom and all the stuff the Axiom had aboard. Of course everyone allready knew though because they helped build it. how excited he was that everyone could make it. He was the only captin to mention the jogging course though. The first day on the Axiom shortly came to an end. 3 days later they would have to go back to earth. It was a great day though. Everyone had a blast.

Good. I like the confetti part…i can see m-o getting really busy with that mess.

:smiley: What I really liked was how M-O fixed EVE in Chapter 2, and in this chapter, I can imagine that big celebration and the energetic M-O. I can imagine the shot where he’s having a hard time holding a golf club.

vim–vum–vimvimviiiiiiimmmmmmmm- :imp:

Chapter 4
Everything was running smoothly untill there was a ginormous asteriod coming to the starliner! Eve tried to blast it away but it was too big and strong. M-O and Eve riskily jumped out of the starliner and Eve flew M-O and herself onto the asteriod. M-O started grinding away at it and Eve kept trying to zap it away. It didn’t seem like anything could work. Jim couldn’t move starliner because Auto wasn’t working right. It didn’t seem like anything could work and the asteroid was nearly a few feet away. Then all of a sudden M-O hit the middel of the asteriodand it split in half. Eve flew M-O back to the Axiom and everything was fine.

Today was the day they had to go back to earth to tell everyone about the sucess. Jim decided to leave the robots in the Axiom so they wouldn’t have to reload them all again. They got to do whatever they wanted 4 whole days. There run back to earth had no issues and Jim came back with a positive resault about how it went. There were even more cameras and news crews than the day of the launch. Everyone going of the flight were very very excited. They knew they’d have a blast.

The next day the Axiom was everywhere. All the bots sat around a huge TV in the Axiom to see what they had to say about the test run and the launch in 4 days. The news reporter said “It was a great run with the exception of the asteriod” seconds later they heard Jim say “if an asteriod ever came near the starliner they’d be more prepared”. The news showed a picture of M-O and Eve and they told everyone about the two brave robots that saved the starliner from delaying the next flight. M-O was very proud about hearing that. He felt as if he saved the world.

M-O has gone from Zero to Hero! :laughing: :slight_smile:

Good for M-O

This is pretty good… ;-o

Wow! I haven’t got a reply in awhile. Might as well finish the story.
Chapter 5

Jim eventually died on the Axiom when he was 78. M-O was heartbroken. He didn’t even start doing is job again for another 2 months. He slept for the whole time because walking about the Axiom brought back to many memories.

Eventually Eve persuaded him to move on again. Members of the Axiom were excited to see him back at work again. He was happy to be back but never forgot the memories he had with Jim.

The Axiom was captained by Jim’s brother until it was sold to a small company named Buy N Large. The Axiom was closed for 4 years for remodeling. The remodeling was nice but tried to be to flashy and advertised too much in M-O’s opinion. M-O went to visit (and clean) Jim’s body everyday wishing he was still with him.

                                             The End

You beat me to this, it seems. Excellent job! I really enjoy the Up reference with Jim’s final age…although the death is sad, obviously. Great work!

Thanks! It was the first age to come to me, really. I might make a new M-O fanfic later.

I really liked it M-O! I always like Fan Fics that give characters a back story, and this was pretty good. If you make another M-O fan fic, I’ll definately read it!