Marvel fans assemble!!!

I also want it to be good, but I have the secret feeling that it will be a mess.

Just a few writers are able to pull off a good movie with so many leading characters. Let’s hope this is one.

I don’t know what to predict yet. To me, this is definitly one of those wait and see films to determine what to think about the film. Crossovers usually don’t work and happen to be disappointments sometimes.

I also can’t wait to see this movie as well. i would be incredibly ticked if it turns out to be a huge disappointment, but I hope that it turns out to be as awesome as people are hyping it up to be.

My favorites are Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Wolverine.

Lately, Marvel movies have been decently good. I really liked First Class.

I haven’t seen first class. But I heard a lot of good things about it.

The trailer for Avengers looked kinda off, but I’m still crossing my fingers.

I agree with everyone. This film has to live up to even the wildest of expectations. I just hope this isn’t a huge disapointment like TMNT 3 was in 1993.

I hope it doesn’t disappoint either. I believe this movie is gonna rock. It would be a huge slap in the face if all expectations aren’t exceeded

I agree. I wonder how fans will react if this film disappoints.

I don’t think it would matter too much.

It’s no dishonor to produce a disappointment after a long line of successes, which is why I won’t give up on Pixar just because Cars 2 was below their standard.

Just like in POTC:OST, I’ll still be the biased fan jumping in her seat even if the movie tanks to everyone else. Iron Man and Captain America are my favourites, so I can’t be blamed…right? :smiley:

Are you a Pirates fan? Me too. I don’t care if the movies are bad, they move something in me. That’s valid, eh?

As of now, my favorite Marvel movie is Iron Man.

Yup, it is. That is why we like awesome things.

Totally bumping this thread up. It’s too dead!

Anyone else have the marvel comic app on their iPhone?

Oh, and my favorite Marvel characters are Loki, Deadpool, and Wolverine.

I am interested, but also nervous at reading Amazing Spider-Man #700 and Avenging Spider-Man #15.4, if Peter dies, I’ll be dissapointed, but he’ll most likely return.

Personally, i find the DC comics slightly better than marvel (but then ive never read a comic book in my life. So what do i know.).

And its possibly because of a lot of the old 40’s style nostalgia that comes from DC (that i seem not to notice much with marvel. Though captain america rings a bell with that style because his origin was during WWII).
Either way, i like comics for the superhero aspect of things and a LOT of the dimensional and universe ties (and those of you who know me know i write that kind of nonsense on a daily basis because i like it! :smiley: )
Marvel is pretty good though. Kind of like the Iron man films for the sci-fi, genius inventor aspect and i like the captain america film because of the WWII, 1940’s era, setting.

^I like both, but in general I like Marvel better.

Oh, and today is Stan Lee’s 90th birthday!!! Happy Birthday Stan!

I haven’t been on here in a while, but anyway I do wish Stan “The Man” Lee had a happy birthday.

Amazing Spider-Man #700 has to be the most dissapointing Spider-Man issue since One More Day.
Dan Slott is one of my favorite Spider-Man writer’s, but this story was a huge dissapointment (especially concidering how much he and Marvel were hyping it).