Me Against The Pixar Live Action Feature Films!

What are talking about?. HSM has been insanely successful

Sounds good. If it’s Disney, you’ve got probably over six to choose from. :laughing:

Yea, but I thought that just one was enough. I really didnt like the second one as much

OH NOES! i love that their part of Disney! because in my honest opinion, their the only ones who are doing a good job at keeping Disney’s Idea of a good movie alive!

Besides, these guys just have a knack for making Stupendous Cute Animated films

Walt would be Proud

haha, yea. But i would LOVE to see what Pixar could come up with!

Editted by TSS: (Careful with the triple posting okay?)

i don’t think pixar should attempt a live action movie until it has conquered the 3D world first…once you have set up a family/fan base that will go to anything that has pixar on it (John Carter of Mars not one of them) then go for live action.

Yeah, but since they have already included some live action clips in “WALL·E,” I think it won’t be too long before Pixar takes another step, revolutionizing the animation technology once more since “Toy Story.”

Pixar has already done that. Why do you think they can take risks like WALL•E, because they are trusted and make awesome films. Combined with the Disney name, Pixar is arguably the most trusted name in family entertainment, and Pixar is probably the most consistent anmation studio ever, and its fan base is growing (as you can see here on Pixar Planet.) This is not to say they’ve learned everything there is to know in film making, they themselves aren’t sure of that too, but they sure have mastered CGI, and after they start releasing 3D movies, succesful ones too, people will be convinced, Pixar can do anything. As for live-action, Pixar isn’t set up like a live-action studio, so if they did do live-action, it wouldn’t be at Pixar, they also don’t do special effects (different than character animation) according to Ed Catmull, and they don’t plan to. I think Pixar is just backing their directors, who will develop the stories in house and shoot elsewhere, because they are so loyal to Pixar but want to branch out, both Brad Bird and Andrew Stanton have said that they will stay with Pixar for as long as possible.

Live action may lead to Pixar’s death. For what I am concern about Pixar should to what they are doing and that is CGI. Live action is their type of thing.

walle was live action?? which parts??

Al-Bob: [spoil]Like in the Axiom commercial. [/spoil]

For a moment, it reminded me of the song Stick to the Status Quo from HSM. :laughing: “It’s better by far to keep things as they are, don’t mess with the flow…” ahem, um, I think Pixar should stick to animation in general for their films, but I don’t really have a problem with them sneaking in some live action. I think it’s good for them to try new things. I won’t really worry about it until live action takes over Pixar entirely (if that even happens) THEN I will panic.

ohhh…other then that there was none in the film right??

WHAT? Why would you be angry because the top geniuses of animation are broadening their talents? This live-action stuff will no-doubt be awesome, as is all the animated stuff put out by PIXAR. I have no doubt that these live-action films they will make in the future will be classics and Oscar-Winners and films we’ll all look back on when we’re real old, just like some look back on older films and call them great (and a lot of them are, cuz back then, it wasn’t all so much about the business aspect of films.)

OK. Rant is done.

While I certainly have no doubt that a live-action film by PIXAR would be amazing, to me it just wouldn’t seem like a PIXAR film. I mean, these guys invented computer animation and worked so hard to stand apart from the crowd because of this. They created the market for these kinds of films, and to suddenly make a live-action film, for no apparent reason, just doesn’t make any sense.

I don’t want Pixar to do live-action just yet either. But i’m sure they are capable of doing an excellent job. But Pixar animation studios wouldn’t be an animation studio anymore…

John Carter of Mars is not being produced under the Pixar name. It’s just made by a Pixarian.

Personally, as far as branching out, if anything, I’d like to see Pixar do a 2-D Hand-Drawn film. I love the end credits for Ratatouille, and the “Your Friend the Rat” short’s animation, and think they could pull it off if they really put their mind to it.

It’s important to remember that there isn’t anything confining PIxar to 3-D Animation. (At least, as far as I know)

They’re not officially working on those movies. Besides, Pixar could not break away from Disney, because Disney BOUGHT them, Rac_Rules!

I just saw this post and I have to say that I agree with james&pixar over the disappointment over PIXAR making live-action films. However, my complaint comes from not the experience of live-action from CGI, but from a more thematic statute PIXAR itself made. If anyone has ever read any interviews from anyone at PIXAR regarding why their films are so good (ie, who’s their target audience), they’ll reply that they only make the films for themselves, and that their success can only come if they continue to make films the same way they have for the last 20 years. So, to do a live-action film, personally, feels like hypocrisy. I mean, these guys invented Computer Animation and it’s the fundamental core of their studio.
So for the original inventors of computer animation to suddenly and unexpectedly do a live-action film, tells me either 1) they are too bored with computer animation and wants to extend their boundaries 2) they feel like computer animation isn’t right for the film 3) they believe computer animation is limited and can’t express their film in it. They had their big break with Computer Animation and to cast it aside, no matter how good the film is going to be, seems like a slap in the face.

This is just my opinion however, and I have been known to change it (Heck, I used to dislike WALL-E after thinking it was going to be a cute film).

As Ed Catmull said when confronted with this issue, Pixar is keeping the “Animation” in Pixar Animation Studios, and does not intend to change that.

So no, I don’t think Pixar should be doing live action. I do, however, think that live action opportunities are one of the best things about being part of Disney. It’s also why films like John Carter are being produced by Disney in the first place.

Sure, design and pre-production can totally be done at Pixar-- why, in the place of Andrew Stanton, would you walk away from that-- but Pixar is not a visual effects firm. It’s a waste of their talent and resources in such a crowded and talented industry, to the extent that they didn’t even do the vfx for the live action elements in WALL•E! Those were done by ILM, via a relationship made possible by the very clever hiring of ILM’s Jim Morris by Pixar.

So no, not only is live action straying creatively from Pixar’s strengths, but from it’s business sense as well. Which is why they won’t, at least for a while. No reason to expand when Disney’s got it covered.

If Disney becomes a barrier, however, all bets are off. When Pixar was disappointed with Ratatouille’s marketing, they went and made their own dept. And we all now how Wall•E’s marketing went… (very, very well)

I must admit, I was really disheartened to hear about a possible live action film. That should be left to the Disney company itself and let Pixar handle the computer animation that goes on.

To me, Pixar films, look better and are almost more enjoyable for me, than most live action movies. While I trust them, and am sure they know how to make it brilliant, I still don’t like the idea. If they were to animate the story they wanted to make live, that’s one thing, but filming isn’t their thing. They’re an animation company, and should stick with what they’ve become famous for.

I hope it doesn’t happen, it just doesn’t seem right, as Pixar is the epitomy of modern day animation, so there’s no need to make live action if they’re making brilliant animated movies every year.