
New poster

Megamind? Yet another Despicable Me, but worse. Katzenberg, you’ve never seize to unamaze me.

Thanks for the poster, pixarfan9099. I’m not really impressed DW saw the need to include the actors’ name in the tagline, instead of “Megamind vs Metro Man”. I’m sure you can come up with a lot more wittier catchphrases than “Actor X vs Actor Y”… :unamused:

I don’t think they’ intentionally copied DM, although the plot lines do share similarities. But I suspect this will be a more ribald spoof than DM. We’ll see…

I can’t see the poster. Is it my PC?

I don’t see it either. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, okay good. I was starting to think I was crazy :slight_smile:

I can’t either!

Maybe someone should fix that…cough :unamused:

Weird, I can see it. But anyway, I’m not really looking forward to this, like TAMATER said, it does just look like two guys arguing about how cool they are.[/b]

If you see a question mark in a blue box, left-click it and open the image in ‘new tab’ or ‘new window’. It’ll load the picture as a separate page and you should be able to see it. :wink:

Not that you’re missing out, though. It’s just Megamind and Metro Man side by side with the tagline ‘Ferrell vs Pitt’ against a white background. It’s as uninspired as it sounds. :neutral_face:

I still can’t see it, but I don’t really want to. Ferrel vs Pitt? Really?

Ya, RLY. :frowning:

They shoulda quit while it was ahead. Geddit? A-head?

Why? Every time DW makes a good movie, they start walking backwards…after Dragons, I was expecting a turnaround, but clearly I was overly enthusiastic…

How will the super hero movie never be the same? That is what I don’t understand.

That it will be tainted? That there are now 2 CGI sh flicks? Several answers, all bad…

Well, at least one of the three movies they released this year was good

Sigh. As long as this movie has actual heart to it (like KFP and HTTYD!), I will have hopes for it. Otherwise, I’m afraid it might be another obnoxious addition to the Dreamworks line-up.

The HTTYD trailer did nothing for me, and I had no interest in seeing it until I saw its high rating on Needless to say, I loved the movie. This trailer made me chuckle, and I can honestly say, I do want to see it. Whether HTTYD truly did mark the turning point in Dreamworks filmmaking, or was a one in a hundred lucky shot, remains to be seen. I remain cautiously optimistic.

It looks good to be hounest, I mean, this is much better than Shrek 4 or any other DW films, I might buy a ticket for another film and see this one:lol: .

True. Thank you for not being a stinker, Chris Sanders.