Mitch's Art

Great Russel art Mitch!

Wow, you’ve got some great stuff. Your dad is an outstanding artist and it’s great that you can learn so much together. You have a real passion and love for what you’re creating and that shows through in your artwork. Congratulations and good luck creating!

Thank you very much for your kind words, everyone!! I really appreciate them. :smiley:

I still draw…

I still animate, too… … -130845935

Even though it doesn’t look like there’s much that’s been added to my gallery since that Russell composition (featured above), I’ve been drawing more than you think, or, at least, as often as time permits (and when I feel like it, which is usually every night [I draw better at night, for some reason]). So far, the latest character that I absolutely love to draw is Roger Rabbit. I can’t believe I waited over ten years to sketch him… shakes head

– Mitch

You know, as much as I love art, I’ve never really looked up to someone, yet you managed to do that to me. I look up to you. Really do. :slight_smile:

Some people say that cute things can’t possibly get any cuter, but you’ve just proven it to me with your drawings of Russell. Seriously, I’ve never seen someone portray him so adorable like you do.

I believe I praised you on DeviantART too - I’m Ribbedebie.

Keep it up! :smiley:

I love your Remy id, too: he looks so dang cute like that. Reminds me to watch Ratatouille again.

Mitch? What are you doing here!? You’re not supposed to be around these parts anymore.

Nice stuff, that Roger Rabbit one is insane.

Badger - Oh, yes! I remember you from deviantArt! It’s nice to see you here on Pixar Planet! Welcome to the site! :smiley:

Aww, gee. Well, thank you very much! I find it rather odd that people look up to me from an artistic stand-point, as I don’t much like my work, but I’m very honored and humbled by it at the same time. So, once again, thank you!! hugs

DocKenobi - Ha! Yeah, I’ve become rather notorious for being the resident “ghost” of Pixar Planet. I pop in; I pop out. It’s ridiculous. I’ll get back into the habit of visiting this site frequently one of these days, though.

Thank you very much, by the way! I appreciate it. :smiley:

Just to prove to everyone that I’m stil alive, here are a few compositions that I’ve done recently:

Young Carl Fredricksen -

Jessie -

Bolt Sketches -

Hiccup and Toothless -

The drawing of young Carl Fredricksen was done for my good friend, ffdude1906. He was feeling down one day, so I decided to draw him something. Needless to say, I got a bit carried away, and ended up with a composition that took me a total of seven hours to complete, give or take – the longest amount of time that I’ve ever spent on a drawing. It was drawn traditionally and colored digitally with Photoshop CS2.

The Jessie composition was also drawn traditionally and colored in Photoshop, and was done for Lee Unkrich (who is on Twitter). I think I should have spent more time on this one…

It took forever to get Bolt to look on-model, but I think my efforts were worth it… sort of. More practice, I need.

Regarding my efforts to draw Hiccup and Toothless, the results were less than note-worthy, but I had fun sketching them out!

All in all, I think that I’m improving…

– Mitch

Hey Mitch ! Good to see some drawings from you again. Impressive work, particularly on Carl and Jessie :slight_smile:

You must be kidding, right ? I think I told you the same thing before, but I’ll say it again anyway : if you go way back in this thread, you won’t believe it’s the person who did these drawings. It’s amazing to see how you improved in only a few years. That shows your determination and hard work.

Way to go, Mitch :wink:

Those are really good! I like Young Carl Fredrickson and Jessie ( I could never draw them in my life! People are so hard.) he looks just like he does in the movie! And your sketches of Bolt are so adorable. :smiley:

Archibald - Hello there, Archibald! It’s nice to talk to you again, Sir. How have you been? :slight_smile:

Yes, I was kidding regarding that comment. Ha-ha. I do see the improvement, even though I’m still not entirely pleased with my work. Sometimes I’ll look back at my old drawings and laugh at how bad they are. One of the reasons why I prefer to save my juvenile sketches is so as I may keep track of my progress.

Thank you very much for the kind words! I really do appreciate them. :smiley:

skunklover - I never thought that I would be able to draw people either, but I’m slowly getting better at it and am loving it! Keep practicing, and you’ll be able to overcome the same obstacles! :wink:

Thank you very much for the compliments! You’re too kind.

– Mitch

It’s so cool you’re back with more! You’re a constant inspiration to the community here for sure. :slight_smile:

I love your rendering on Campfire Tales, and it’s great you may have found your calling as a lighting director (though judging from your other works, character design and animator wouldn’t be out of the question, either!). Love the subtle expression, that fleeting moment when he reveals one of the movie’s most poignant lines.

Young Carl has to be your best colouring effort yet! I swear, it looks like it’s from a glossy comic book. You mentioned you coloured it digitally, but it looks like watercolour to me! How did you achieve this effect (Was it a special brush? Or just lots of render layers?)? I’m sure Chris would’ve loved it!

The Jessie portrait ain’t bad either. Nothing to complain here. Did Lee-like-it? :slight_smile:

I have to agree with you your Bolt doodles need more work. Something seems off about them… perhaps his nose is too big? Anyway, that’s more I can say, since I absolutely stink at drawing animal characters! :laughing:

Hiccup looks cool, but a little generic. Maybe you could choose a pose which would reveal more of his goofy character? I do love your half-completed sketch of Toothless! He looks like a cat! I’d really love to see you complete that, or try another pose. He has a very sinewy, limber look to him, I think Chris or someone else described him like a panther. I haven’t tried Toothless, because a) I’m a chicken b) I’m in the midst of another piece and want to complete it before I embark on some HTTYD fanart. But I can’t wait to try! Looks like a fun character to render.


thedriveintheatre - First and foremost, thank you very much for your input, especially in regards to critique! Goodness knows I tend to receive a surplus of compliments and a minimal amount of “correctional” comments, so I thank you for taking the time to pinpoint what errors you think you’ve caught. :smiley:

Yes, indeed. I always admired how shots were lit in films, but pursuing a career as a lighting artist didn’t strike me as optional at first because I was so focused on the aspects of the film-making industry (in animation) that were more… “pronounced” or well-known, as it where, such as animation, storyboarding, and character design. The lighting department, although just as important as any other aspect of a film crew, is one that I see as kind of… being in the background, which is exactly where I prefer to be when working on a group project. As for a character designer or an animator, I would love to be one, but I don’t think that I’m cut out for it – I don’t have that… specific talent to be a designer, and I’ve never truly had the drive to do animation on a daily basis. I appreciate the compliments, though!

Many thanks to you for the kind words on that “Campfire Tales” piece. Whenever I look at it I feel that I could have worked on it more, but I’m glad that people like it.

The Carl composition looks like it was rendered in watercolor to you, eh? That’s interesting. I simply used regular paint brushes in Photoshop and then went over most of the strokes with the “Blur” tool so as to soften the edges where color met color. I also used varying weights for both the “Brush” and “Blur” tools.
Concerning layers, I believe that I only used two in total. I’m one of those people who hates using millions of layers in a composition, so I try to do everything in just two or even one layer(s). I’ll probably end up adding more as I become more skilled artistically, though.
Ha-ha. Yes, Chris did like it, and I’m glad that I was able to put a smile on his face!

Mr. Unkrich never did respond to the Jessie drawing, but I don’t really mind, seeing as I just have fun drawing in general. He’s a busy guy. :wink:

Good! I like to hear that! Critique is always welcome! I think that Bolt’s nose is too small in the left sketch and too crooked in the one on the right; plus, the angles are a bit odd, so that threw me off. More practice, I need!

Hmm. Generic, you say. I think you’re right. I was just starting out, so I didn’t intend for it to be a drop-dead gorgeous sketch, but I concur in that it’s too plain. I’m going to practice drawing him more and putting him in different (and full-body) poses to as to try to get the hang of sketching humans.

Really? How funny. I’m not really that crazy about the Toothless sketch, but I’m glad that you like it! I’ll probably never finish that particular drawing, but I might do a completely different one of him to color. We’ll see.

Oh, you should give it a shot! I’d love to see your rendition of Toothless! :smiley:

Once again, thank you very much for the comments and critique! It is most appreciated. :wink:

– Mitch

Gosh, I need to update this thread so bad…

I do still draw. This account needs to be updated, too:

I’ll post some actual art on here later. Ha.

  • Mitch

The Randall piece is so charming!

Leirin - Aww. Thank you so much!!

Below are a number of drawings that I’ve done… fairly recently (the Randall one is the most recent of the batch). You can find more stuff on my deviantArt account. If you think that I’ve drawn a lot of Once-ler then you are making a gross understatement – I’ve drawn well over 100 Once-lers, and there’s no way I’m uploading them all here, especially since most of them suck. Heh.


Mitch? 0_0 Remy’s Mitch?
…Well then again not on PP as frequent but uhh…last time I remember you weren’t around as much. Me and my forgetfulness heh heh. Well (at least to me) glad to see your still around and hope your doing well!

Nice piece of Ran, you were always such a good artist…oh those cupcakes will be a bane heheh. At least it’s a good bane :smiley:

Nexas - Nexas…?! Hey, long time no talk! Yes, this is the Mitch you’re thinking of. So sorry I’ve been away for such a long time. I think there’s a message of you still sitting in my inbox that I haven’t answered yet… facepalm

Thank you so much for the kind comments! hugs

I love your art so much, Mitch. <3 Your drawings inspire me. I hope I’ll someday be as good as you.

When I first wrote that note to you on the I’m Back thread, I had admittedly only seen snippets of your art, but after spending a few hours looking through all 84 pages, I’m absolutely amazed, Mitch! Your art is wonderful and a sheer delight to see! It’s amazing seeing how you improved more and more each year, and your art was already quite amazing! (Certainly a million times better than my art was in '07… :stuck_out_tongue: ) Your sense of humor mixed with your adorable and endearing style is just perfect. I know you don’t hang around here all that much, but I hope to join dA soon, and I’ll be certain to follow you! Also, right after looking at the first 50 pages of your art last night, I saw your DM Edith drawing on the Despicable Me website :smiley:

K9Girl - Aww, gee. Thank you so very much! Keep practicing and practicing and you’ll be better than me!! :smiley: hugs

ObsessedWithPixar - Oh my goodness… You went through every page?! Golly… Gee, your comments are so sweet. Really, thank you so much. When you join dA let me know and I’ll follow you. :smiley:

Woah… I didn’t even know that my drawing was on there until you said something! My goodness. How flattering. I didn’t put it up there, but that’s so sweet of them to notice it. blushes Thanks for letting me know about that!

Very cool. I do like your drawing style. I especially like the Little Tiger one :slight_smile: