Mitch's Art

Nice job Mitch. I think it is really cool! Please update


Very nice, Mitch. The detailing of the basket really

comes up well. :smiley:

Thank you both! :smiley:

Here is another


The Naughty Kids

If you can’t

figure out what the whole thing is about, then look at my description of it below the picture. :wink:


thing took me about two hours to draw, and that is only half the picture! Heh


PixarVixen - Please punch me in the face for not getting to that Dash

picture. I’ll get to it – don’t worry! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, I’m asking you to draw Dash, not draw [i]as fast

as[/i] Dash. :stuck_out_tongue: I can wait. :wink:


Take your time Mitch. We would rather have a nice, wonderfully drawn pic rather

than a rushed one.

ohh, they look so cute!


[b]PixarVixen and The

Star Swordsman[/b] - Haha – you guys have a point there. :wink:

Alright, I’ll take my time.

I’ll get to it – which should be sometime today, I hope. smacks self


CarFreak - Haha – thank you! They won’t be so cute when mom gets home

though. :laughing:

Aww, that’s really cute


lennonluvr9 - Heheh – thank you! :smiley:

At long last…

After many moons… Spanning nearly 2,000 years (and a day)…


finally finished that Dash drawing of yours,

PixarVixen!! :stuck_out_tongue:




ly, I am not proud of this drawing at all. I worked on it for about half an

hour…and it didn’t even turn out as good as I wanted it to. It looked alot better in black-and-white, but

that’s in the past – heh. Oh well… I hope you like it, in any case, PV. :unamused:

Sooo…to make up for

that truely horrific Dash drawing, here is a half-completed sketch of an anonymous rat that I drew last week:


My sister named him – she is good at thinking up suitable names for cartoon characters, for some reason…

Looking at the picture makes me feel better after that Dash drawing. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice rat and Dash Mitch!!

I love the Dash drawing Mitch. Really nice work. So colorful and cute.

Texas - Thanks! :slight_smile:

[b]The Star

Swordsman[/b] - Heheh – well…thank you. I still think that it looks horrible, though. I even forgot

to color in the stripes on his shirt! :stuck_out_tongue:

That is ture.

Still, you did a good job. I can’t wait to see what you will draw next.

The Star Swordsman - Heh – yeah, I should actually remember to finish parts of my

drawings. (snigger) And thank you. :wink:

Next, I plan to draw…drumroll…Remy. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve also

been pondering whether or not I should sketch a picture of Jack-Jack, so keep an eye out for that, as well.


do a Jack-Jack. And i can’t wait for your Remy Pic as well. Just take your time.

[b]The Star

Swordsman[/b] - Heheh. Alright, I’ll do the Jack-Jack. He is kinda cute – how I can I

not draw him? :wink:

And thank you. I will, indeed, take my time.

What kind of Remy pic will you draw? Is it a gag, or just an oridinary pic?

The Star Swordsman - Well, for the longest

time…I have been trying to draw a picture of him being teased by his little sister, Genevieve, whom I created.

I might do that as a gag. Either that, or it will just be an ordinary sketch of him sleeping or sitting down or

something… I just draw what comes to mind. :wink:

It’s Dash! ;-p


Thank you, Mitch! hugs


PixarVixen - Haha – you’re welcome! hugs back Sorry he doesn’t look that

good… shuffles feet Heh…


I’ve decided on what sort

of pose I will place Remy in in my next picture. Well, I just finished up part two of my fifth chapter in my

Ratatouille story, and in that chapter…Remy’s sister pushes him into a puddle of

mud and then hugs him afterwards (you’ll have to read the chapter to figure out what’s going on – heheh). I

think I’ll draw a picture of those two in that particular predicament… :wink:

As for the Jack-Jack

picture, well…I’ll get to it! (snigger)