You’re very welcome! And daw, thanks! Perhaps eventually I’ll post those drabbles I wrote a little while back for that 100 themes thing. Except I didn’t write 100 and they’re not as wordy as I usually like to be since, y’know, only 100 words each. It’s a CHALLEEEEENGE!
Yeah, you obviously have an impressive vocabulary already – when I write I just write what comes to mind and go back later and fix it if I overused a word or something, which I tend to do and am very anal about. “What?! That sentence has two words ending in -ing! It makes them kind of rhyme! IT DISRUPTS THE FLOW, I MUST FIX THIS!” and so on.
Hah, I feel ya on the “learning new words” thing. I always hear cool words and am like “That word is awesome! I must use it sometime!” but always forget them. So I write them down. I have a notepad file of my favorite words. I’m weird. And I feel ya on the lack of time! For me it’s usually a lack of inspiration. So when I get into a new fandom I go on a creative frenzy because the inspiration could leave me at any moment! Definitely keep writing, though. Your interpretations of the characters are wonderful. The aforementioned Colette chapter… it’s so… Colette!
But yeah, sometimes the first thing that comes to mind is the best. It’s like that Special Something that’s in a first pencil sketch. When it’s traced it looks cleaner and more polished but it loses some of the spontaneity.
…did I just make an art analogy in a 300-word post about writing? Dear god. Can you tell I wasn’t good at sports as a small child?
kageri - Haha! Yeah, I feel ya’… And you’re welcome!
Pfff… (snigger)
I must be weird, too, because I do the exact same thing. And yeah, exactly. I’ll flip through the thesaurus just to find one or two words and end up glancing at ten others in the process…
Yeah! Like you get this wonderful concotion of color into your brain and feel as if you have write it down immediately, otherwise you’re going to forget it. And then you forget it and the whole composition sucks… (snigger)
Again and again and again, thank you for ze compliments! I shall return to writing as soon as I find the time and the space and the freakin’ inspiration. Woah, I sound like Linguini…
Hi, Mitch!
I have so many things to say about your writing… Where to start!?
Well, I’ve just gone through all 10 pages of this post, scanning for your chapters, then quickly reading them (I would do it at a more leisurely pace, but you’ve written a lot, girl!). I read your chapters from before the movie came out, about your period of creative deprivation (which I totally understand and I’m glad you’re over it), and then your newest Colette chapter, the only one written after the release of the movie.
And you have always been so good about reviewing my stories, I can’t believe I haven’t done so until now. Sorry! But in defense of myself – again, you’ve written a lot!
So let me start…
So that was a quote by you when you were explaining your ideas about all your characters. And, no offense, but WOW you were off about Colette being all cheerful! hehe. I just found that sort of interesting. But I will say, that the second sentence of that is quite reminiscent of the movie, because like you said, she does have an element of mystery. So Colette is much more cynical and more of a realist than you made her out to be, but I like you early version. The way you have her putting on a happy face for the show which is the restaurant, then you have her go wherever she goes at midnight, and you have her forgotten dreams about life in Manhattan — this is all so romantic! You could write an alternate universe Colette fic! hehe!
So yeah, I’m putting a lot of emphasis on Colette again, like I always do, but I can’t help it! I feel the character. I friggin’ am that character! haha. But it seems like you are the same way about Remy, yes? Which brings me to my next point.
I love how you write Remy. It seems like it’s so natural for you. I guess that comes from understanding the character so well. Oh, and Genevieve is a precious original character. So brava!
I know my thoughts are scattered in this, but bear with me here… I’m tired.
In your chapter where you introduced the chefs and the kitchen and Gusteau and Linguini, etc. I did not understand that coy little exchange between Linguini and Colette. What was the thing with the 8 euro, and then he gives her 20 euro or something, then he texts her saying “sucker”? I was completely lost on what just happened? I got a hint of Colette offering… something coughprostitutioncough for money… with the tugging of the shirt… WHAT?! the dialogue was adorable, but I was just lost… was there a sort of bet? or playful joke? Me=completely lost. Sorry, I’m not trying to bash your work, just trying to understand. Because I liked the whole gist of it.
Anyway. I have to say that I loved your very last Colette fic. That, as some people have said, could be an independent story! It’s adorable. I love how you mapped out her morning routine. The smashing of the alarm clock was hilarious, yet understandable at the same time. Also very in character. All the descriptions were so, well, descriptive! They all inspired some great imagery. I really enjoyed reading it. Were it on, I’d favorite it! hehe. I understand that you’re busy – so am I. I don’t know what I’m doing here! – but I’d love to read more of your writing. So when you continue, I’ll check them out for sure.