Monsters Inc 2 : Randall's role/thoughts?

Yeah a sequel is in the works- so now the creators intent is actually important now, unlike before where it was simply an interesting example of taking care about what you put into a story- because even though he’s not the director, his view on events is going to be a possible spring board fro a sequel.

Or perhaps Docter has changed his mind since then. Or perhaps said new director will do their own take anyway. Remains to be seen. Though I doubt it somehow. (Though why is Docter not directing the sequel? Does anyone know that?)

I kind of wonder if they’ll show the first movie in cinemas like TS to refresh peoples memories before hand. Admittaedly, I might be interested in going to that. I never saw the original in cinemas. It was part of a christmas present as a DVD to me from my parents as a teen, it was some time after Nemo was out on DVD in any case (that’s what my sister recieved).

Personally- M.I., along with various other works got me into world building, and M.I. I think might have been the first to really let that loose. It also helped me make sense of other fandom thoughts as well as some direction I’ve been taking original work in terms of how charcaters react to certain things, though I still have a long way to go in terms of both skill and actually completing it. (Granted in a novel you can go in more detail in any case). But yeah M.I. soldified the idea that characters can’t know everything, and you have to write from both their more limited perspectives as well as what is really going on. That’s actually a major point of my story in the end actually. The ‘bad guys’ think they’re good and doing the right thing and they do many horrible things- though likewise the protaganists make mistakes and many of their allies hands and pasts aren’t all that clean either.

I didn’t mean so much that Randall and Syndrome were similar characters, I just have about the same opinion of how well I like them.