Monsters Inc. 2?

That’s exactly how I felt about Sullivan when I had a beta music video, which I quickly took down due to messages not being conveyed visually, among other things.

As for the sequel being taken in the right direction, there’s apparently a relatively high chance it won’t be, hence, my hearing about pitbulllady’s letter campaign to Pixar.

There’s alot… unsaid regarding Randall and Sulley and their relationship as well as alot of misunderstandings in my view.

A major reason I loved the FIRST movie is not just because it had my 3 favourite characters (Sulley, Randall and Boo) but it is also because it showed the beautiful developing relationship with Sulley and Boo like a father and daughter. It was in alot of ways incredibly endearing to see, and one of my favourite pixar relationships- along with nemo and his dad (my SECOND favourite movie). Even though of course, this relationship probably had a hand to play in the illegal banishment thing. How unfortunate that such a beautiful relationship should be ‘sullied’ (puns. I could not resist.I am sorry.) in such a way really. Not just for Randall (obviously), but them too.

Randall’s relationship with these two characters… still some things unsaid in my opinion. THAT story is still left wide open really, and thus has potential for the sequel.

As long as it’s not something stupid, like a ‘Randall’s revenge’ movie at any rate.

Randall’s relationship with the protagonists is also a valid point; we never see how he and Sullivan interacted before the events of the movie. Mike and Randall’s interactions would probably be obvious, though. :unamused:

Yeah… I also agree with Nexas when he says Mike probably wouldn’t care much for Randall’s predicament. I’m not saying he’s completely heartless but… yeaaaah. He’s self centered. Very self centered. Randall and MIKE act more like the rivals than Sulley and Randall do in the beginning. It’s only when Boo enters the picture then the REAL rift between Sulley and Randall shows. Mike seems to be the one most concerned with the scare record out of the pair, the one who is more ‘in your face’ to Randall and vice versa. Sulley meanwhile is shaking his head like they’re both a couple of kids.

Sulley actually tries to make amends at one point before the scaring starts too.

There’s little details you can watch out for, but when you see most of Sulley’s and Randall’s interactions you can tell there is alot they don’t just really CATCH ON to regarding the other. A part of this is both interesting and annoying, it’s like there’s something I’m not quite getting, or THEY’RE not quite getting if that makes sense.

Like the fact that in the end they’re not that different after all. Both scarers, both tricked by Waternoose to a degree, there’s the odd Boo relationship they have (Boo and Randall are also actually pretty similar in alot of ways) neither are saints in the end… perhaps they have other things in common.

Of course Sullivan would mentally trip himself into thinking that all the remorse he had was for Boo, so actually showing that at least some of it was for someone else was a little beyond him.
Of course I do have to wonder what Sullivan’s thoughts on Wazowski’s “company play” were…

Of course that said about the three having a connection is indeed true. While Sullivan connects with Boo on a more parental note, Randall was still her scarer and also has a connection to her. Albiet it was mostly out of fear, his job, but still.

That is right SgtYayap. Of course, Randall and Sullivan have quite an interesting past that would surprise a few. I won’t reveal why, as I probably already have. Of course also in that little bit of past we see a starting bitterness that Wazowski had started against Randall merely out of a lack of Wazowski’s abilities (which he, like everyone, has), and gets angry at HIM for pointing it out.

Wazowski is one of those people, and I do use that term correctly here, that “rides the coattails of the popular jock”. Although I can’t coin specifics, people like that in other films exist. A person who’s not overly strong, or smart, or something similiar that are friends with someone who is either intelligent or intimidating, someone to “hide behind” while they ride their success.
Sullivan is a great scarer, his “teacher”…who is not Waternoose mind you…saw to that, and Wazowski used that to biggen his own ego. When Sullivan…errm…“obtained” Top Scarer and employee fame, Wazowski USED IT. Whether it was to attack Randall personally, or use the “benefits” Top Scarers have to treat himself (Ex: Reservations, MADE by Sullivan, at a top resturant that is very difficult to get into).
I’m sorry Wazowski fans, but it’s the truth. I’m not saying Wazowski has some saving grace, though escapes me what they exactly are, but he DOES have as much faults as Randall or Sullivan does.

Sullivan’s “offer of a handshake” WAS actually intended as a goodwill gestured. RANDALL, however, thought it was a sly comment aimed directly at him. The reason Randall thinks this is due to him knowing something is “fishy” about Sullivan being ahead for so long, as well as being cushy with the boss. I’m sure that if Randall wasn’t under the effect of the Scream Extractor or under pressure from his boss, and Sullivan had honestly made Top Scarer position, Randall would have accepted the handshake.

At first, Sullivan and Randall actually had a good work relationship before Sullivan started getting ahead. Sure, Wazowski was a kink, but not overly a bother. Heck, maybe even at one point Wazowski got jealous that RANDALL might’ve taken over his role as Sullivan’s friend. But anyways…Sullivan and Randall honestly had no grudge, though Randall had some negative thoughts that he’s been trying to confirm at the time, against each other before. Heck, Randall had no intention to hurt Sullivan before he was ordered, in anger, too. And Sullivan probably didn’t think of it himself (think for instance when Randall was alone after the Scream Extractor was unplugged. If Sullivan had any gull, he could’ve knocked him out in one punch).
Heck…in fact…it seems to some degree…SULLIVAN was AFRAID…of RANDALL. Either it was him being cautious from the fact that if Boo was discovered, he would be found out or something like that…
But in all in all…it’s…sad that the “friend-like” relationship they HAD before was broken up by the same manipulative man. shakes head THAT’S one of the key points that SHOULD be in the sequel. Sullivan and Randall making amends to each other. It will be difficult. Sullivan would be remorseful and his parental thoughts of Boo are still there. Randall is in malice of what was done to him, and WHO did it to him, even when he asked for mercy. They may not make complete amends (face it people, forgiveness is NOT always the answer and NOT always easy), but at least make the start of healing.
shakes head I think one of Randall’s main arguements would be…that he never expected Sullivan to be the one to do what he did…

No other Pixar movie without a sequel (yet) has had as much buzz about a sequel in the works than this movie. Here is a current interview and the tiny tidbit of information that Pete Docter revealed: … -neilm.php

And here is where filmschoolrejects got their info: … ters-inc-2

And here is where pixarplanet gots its info, which is the original source: … octer.html

He probably had established before the interview that he wasn’t going to say anything to the interviewer substantive at all about his next project, except that his time off was finished and he was getting ready to start something for 2013-2015. The way Docter repositioned his answer says so me that he is considering a MI2, probably has some stuff for it, but that it won’t be his next movie. By this time last year, Stanton had told everyone what the name of his next movie would be, and what story it was based on. Perhaps Mr. Docter wants to be sure that this is the next one before he commits to something in public.

The only way I could see a Monsters Inc. 2 working is if Mike and Sulley spend most of the movie in the real world with older Boo where they’re now hunted down and feared by humans whereas in the 1st one it was the monsters that feared them, and we already know that Pixar can manage doing crowds of human characters ever since they’ve developed their Universal Man model for The Incredibles. It’s really kind of obvious cause if you have another human in monster world then it’s just the same movie again, isn’t it?

Of course, it following Wazowski and Sullivan would make it the same movie again wouldn’t it?
However, I agree, the human world should be involved a bit more, and so should the realization, true as it is, that humans fear the unknown and if Monsters come through, they will be hunted and studied on (if they already aren’t).
In all honesty, humans and monsters, as a whole, can’t cope together without great trials. But…since it’s a movie :unamused: a “settle differrance” thing could come out of it. Actually that would be nice. It would also give a chance for Sullivan to “settle” some things himself, Wazowski too.

Yeah, the thing about how the 1st movie ended is that the monsters were now making things better for kids but if an adult were to find out about them they would naturally be quick to fear them and judge them for what they appear to be on the surface (vicious monsters), and what else would they do then except chase after them with torches and pitchforks to protect their children. Of course the kids that were visited by them already know they’re not evil but their parents wouldn’t be able to see them as anything more than a threat, just as Mike and Sulley originally could not see Boo as anything but toxic. It just seems like the logical way to go for a sequel, even if it sounds like a darker turn from the original story.

And even more so, IT MAKES SENSE. I mean humans are certainly not going to be all buddy-buddy with monsters, even if they’re making children laugh. And with how long it would take to make any kid laugh would be more than scareing, so risk CAN be higher.
And if humans start stopping Monsters from collecting power…then well…

Indeed. I feel that the villain of the sequel should be a human, for a change. It would do a really good job of pointing out how xenophobic parents are compared to their innocent offspring, who, in this universe, are beginning to realize that most monsters aren’t evil.

Sullivan was already a good example of what a guardian to a child would do if they thought their child was endanger. Even common sense is disbanded for the sole purpose of protecting. I can’t begin to imagine, if Boo’s parents did love her, which I for one think they did, what her real parents would do.

You know, I have wondered that myself. :confused: Only time will tell what the future holds.

sorry to just barge in here…but just wanted to say YES: exactly my view on the Sulley/Randall relationship, and it being more Randall and Mike who are the competitive rivals. You summed it up great!
No question in my mind Sulley would feel guilty about things, once everything had settled, I can’t ever imagine him feeling a sneaky sense of satisfaction about Randall’s disappearance.
If a sequel happens, I’d just love for these issues to be resolved somehow. You’re so right; there is a misunderstanding between Sulley and Randall, although Randall doesn’t help himself by acting the competitive jerk (I love him really!), but if they could reach a point of helping each other out somehow i’d be all for that.
Still hoping for a human “bad guy” for possible sequel too :wink:

Agreed, Lil Bandit. Monsters generally don’t seem to be as scary personality-wise in M.I. as some human adults are. On top of that, we never got introduced to an adult human in that franchise.

I would absolutely love to see Monsters Inc. revisited. My favorite movie of all time, is a 50/50 tossup between Toy Story and Monsters Inc.

i would LOVE to see Boo come into contact with “kitty” and Mike once more…Boo is such a precious character and the adoration shared by Sulley and Boo, would have to be rekindled. She wouldn’t have forgotten about them. But maybe one of the monsters would turn up missing, stranded in the human world. Or perhaps many humans would sneak into the monster world. Who knows, but an adventure should happen, and Boo should return alongside Mike and Sulley. I would be more than happy to see that.

Good point, SgtYayap! and now Pixar and their technology is so good at human character designs, it seems only natural they could introduce adults to the sequel…

DPA113; Definitely with you about a monster being stranded in the human world; I think it’s the perfect reversal of the first film. Can you imagine Sulley and Mike causing chaos in the human world? xD I always imagine a plot where the Monster World is in danger of being discovered by humans, so it’s Mike and Sulley to the rescue with others!

As a result of the original movie, there already IS a monster stranded in the Human World, several in fact, if we are to believe what Mike was talking about as he and Sulley approached the factory with a disguised human child in tow.

Out of all of Pixar’s human characters, I still consider Boo to be the most realistic, both in terms of her facial expressions and her proportions. Most of Pixar’s human characters since 2001 have been more cartoonish, with more exaggerated features. I also still stand by my assertion that the eyes of all the Monsters, Inc. characters were the most life-like and detailed of all of Pixar’s characters, human or not. For the most part, I’ve found that the eyes of their more-recent characters, in spite of the better technology that what they had in pre-2001, look rather “flat”. Everything about Boo is very consistent with a two-year-old child, right down the way her face starts to turn red right before she unleashes a “Terrible Two” tantrum following Mike snatching that stuffed “bear” away from her!


And might I add, several that in fact WERE stranded and NOT in the legal, pfft legal, sense of “Banishment”. Take a look at AB for instance. Can you see THIS guy committing a felony? Sure he might have some traffic tickets, but HONESTLY?

Indeed. The Abominable Snowman does not strike me as a felon.