lists top 25 animated characters

Another top-something list comes our way, this time it’s moviefone’s list of the 25 best animated characters.

Pixar is rather well represented, with the dynamic duo Woody and Buzz claiming the two top spots and others like Nemo, WALL-E, Mike Wazowski, Remy and Carl Fredricksen also making the list. :slight_smile:

I’ll bet Auto would make an animated villain’s list. HAL 9000 made the villian’s general list. Woody did good, though. I like Woody. He looks like that baseball player they nicknamed “Woody.”

I think I can agree with the list. Nice find.

PS: I wonder what the list would look like if there was a Top 25 Pixar Characters list.

Auto’d have to be on the PIXAR list (i know, i’m persistent…)

I agree w/ the list, too. Not everyone in the entertainment world is an idiot.

Hmmm, I don’t think Auto would be on the list. At least, that’s my opinion.

Woody taking the Top Spot from Buzz… Now that’s something I didn’t expect after looking at the general Toy Stats surrounding the movie’s release in 1995.

Did think Lumiere would have featured a little higher Up, and was half expecting to see a Disney Princess in there rather than the Villains.

Maybe thats something we could look into creating TSS a Top 25 Pixar Characters list.

See what we as general at Pixar Planet think… I would say giving it a Eurovision styled points of 1-12 for our individual top tens… But then thats for another topic I think!

I was generally happy with the lineup, save Carl, he’s my fave, so that’s to be expected. I was hoping he’d be around the low teens at the highest, but I suppose him being in the list at all is really great. Amazing job Pixar, netting 7 out of 25 of the best animation characters!

I think having a vote on the top 25 (10 would be more easily managed) Pixar characters, site-wide would be great, but difficult to assemble intelligently. Who knows, someday maybe!

I pretty much agree with most of this list. It says a lot when people think Buzz and Woody are better characters than Mickey Mouse.

Not necessarily… Do a Eurovision style where you give a range of points from 1 to 12… and compile a leaderboard… should be rather simple to do if someone was to write it out…and explain it to the membership…

I’d have no problem organizing it… And would enjoy it honestly!

Edit: Done… Actually set it up…

Top 25 Pixar Character list

Vote and enjoy

I’m actually not too surprised that Woody’s at the top, as although not as many Woody toys have been sold (probably due to the fact that a Buzz Lightyear toy is generally deemed as more ‘fun’) Woody does have a very complex character with an obvious bad side as well as a good side.

And well done for creating that Top 25 Pixar Character List voting thing! I’m definitely going to vote. :smiley:

As for the list here, I’d say I agree with it on the whole. I’m pleased a fair proportion of Pixar characters were featured. Thanks for sharing that with us, totoro!

Thanks Lizardgirl, but TSS is the guy behind the thread… I just took the opportunity… and came up with a point system that I’ve seen working for a good while!

Thinking about it again… Woody does have a more complex character, Hero to Zero throughout the movies in multitude of roles, with realization that he needs to surrender his vice like grip on Andy, and that of his legacy!

… although you do have Buzz who’s got to learn how to become a Toy…

LOL, Buzz is funny. He’s kinda delusional. But Woody is the best in terms of his change. Buzz just needs to wake up, but Woody has a lot more to realize, including how to stop being selfish, be brave (oh, man, THERE’s a story) and be more accepting of other toys.

I think Pixar is the leader in character growth any other kind of film or filmmaking studio.

EVE is another character with a tremendous character arc, learning and gaining love, setting her priorities straight, and realizing that independence is not always a virtue.

Marlin, Mr. Incredible, Flik. Dot, Sulley and Mike, Lightning McQueen, Remy, Linguini, Captain B. McCrea…at least one character in every one of their films grows into a better person.