Movies you've cried in

Yeah, I admit that is a beautiful song.

I liked Anastasia’s spunky personality. It managed to be present without being too much.

oh yezz, she was quite brilliant. And pretty too. Maybe the only flaw was the history confuzzle because the real Anastasia died.

Yeah. Well, I watched Behind The Scens of Pocahontas. And the movie makers said the story was inspired more by the legend of Pocahontas, instead of the actual history of it. I’m sure the same is with Anastasia, who was a not only a historical character, but because of rumors of her escape grew into a legend.

The film is based in the many women who claimed to be Anastasia, to the point there were conmen (like the protagonists) who looked for girls pretending to be her.

The most famous case was that of Anna Anderson, who was believed by many to be the real deal. She was nicknamed Anya in a famous musical based on the event and famously portrayed by Ingrid Bergman (who won an Ocar for the role) in a live action movie.

The Bluth animated feature is largely based both in this movie and the musical.

Of course, in real life, they proved that Anderson was just an impostor and that Anastasia was killed. But these fictional works suggest she was. That makes a more romanticist story, of course.

Yes! There are other fans here. :smiley: I like it(and her) better than half the Disney princesses/movies. I really wish people would give Don Bluth a break. Why exactly do you dislike him? :confused:

I do feel like his movies more frequently have childish/corny moments, but that honestly doesn’t detract from my enjoyment of them much. :smiley:

I agree. Anastasia is excellent, Thumbelina and The Land Before Time are average, and IMO, Titan AE is horrible. Those are the only ones I’ve seen all the way through to me knowledge.