My artwork

I think your work is really great. I look forward to you posting more.
I agree with little_chef, the self portrait looks fine… but I suppose you know how you look a lot more then any of us do haha

You really should! :slight_smile: I was fortunate enough to visit Pilanesberg National Park, which is next door to the Sun City Hotel (if you’ve seen Jackie Chan’s ‘Who Am I’, yeah, that’s how it looks like!). We didn’t see much of the Big Five, but the scenery is just spectacular. It’s so quiet and serene… so unreal, like something out of a documentary. I’ll never forget when the evening light illuminated the valley with the endless sky above, and the wind (it was very windy!) just whistles in your ears. :smiley:
And the people there are warm and friendly. It’s such a beautiful country, and I do hope to explore the rest of the continent in the future.

Anyway, sorry I rambled. I believe the word you were looking for was ‘commission’?

Your eyes look fine, so don’t sweat about it. Do post more! You have a dA account or an online portfolio?

thank you very much!

that’s a beautiful adventure.
I am present entirely in the tale!
When I’m going to Africa, I’m gonna relax and sitting under a tree somewhere, and skething some of the animals out there. :smiley:
But this summer holiday I’m going to Indonesia, and gonna feed some little monkey’s out there in a park with bananas. So that would be nice :stuck_out_tongue: haha

yes, I have a Deviant account :

I agree you’ve done a very good job! I especially like the one of the lion, it looks the most realistic to me. And I very much like the detail of it.

I really like your art style - really good anatomy and beautiful colouring.

(oh, Amsterdam? You’re Dutch too? Awesome. :smiley: )


i’ve got some new digital painting of Mike Wazowski & Me
He’s my mate :stuck_out_tongue:
I like Mike alot, because he’s so funny.
And he has a funny shape…

Plus, he’s really small… (I imagined Mike to be about waist-height).

But ohmygosh, your digital art skills are like a bazooka compared to my butter knife. :frowning:

Nothing to say, except keep up the great work!

Wow! Those are some awesome artworks! They look so realistic!

These are my new artworks.
I know they’re not from Pixar, but I’m also gonna use a Pixar character later.


Bugs & Me

Oh and… this will be my new character.
His name is Sam.
He can dance like Gene Kelly.
And can sing like Frank Sinatra.

You have some really wonderful pieces here! You are quite talented! I especially love the ones of you and the cartoon characters! Keep up the great work! :smiley:

You’re 16??? Wow, that is quite a portfolio for a 16 year old! I love your sketches of the human body, and the picture of Bugs Bunny! Very nice work!

Finally something about PIXAR! ‘:lol:’
Pixar characters with the directors
:laughing: :laughing:

I am blown AWAY! This is my favorite piece of concept art ever, do you mind if I share it to my friends on facebook? (I’ll credit to you of course)

ahw thank you!
yes sure! I appreciate that :smiley:

I saw this on Twitter this morning, one of my friends was sending the link to a bunch of Pixarians :slight_smile: That is AWESOME.

That’s great! Such a clever idea. I especially like Carl’s expression.

oh really?!
that’s great to hear!
thanks for saying

thank you! :smiley:

Wow. You are amazing!! I also love how you use references of old celebrities(the ones I don’t hate <3). I know I’ve told you 2 times already, but I love your drawing of the Pixar directors with their characters. <3