My pictures of Monsters Inc, Edu_22

Aww… those are really sweet pictures you have there, Edu_22! Monsters, Inc was a firm favourite film of mine when I was a kid, and of course it still is now too.

I especially like your snapshots of Boo, she looks really cute! I’d love to see some more! :smiley:

Thank you very much, Monsters inc tamvien is my favorite movie. I will continue to post pictures, collage Monsters inc.

Keep Commenting :slight_smile:

Haha Boo is so cute!!

I like the “Boo is Afraid Randall” sig… I would advice you select a different font colour for the text in the one of Sulley scaring Boo, as it’s difficult to read the words… great job! :slight_smile:

Thank you very much both, and thedriveintheatre incredigirlvirgina
Thedriveintheatre’ll heed your advice.
From tomorrow more photos.

Nice, Boo is too cute!

Oh, I loved the “What’s your name”? one. So fun!

It seems to me very nice your avatar.