My Race

No, if you get that idea from my posts about Obama I apologize. It’s just, I feel he is in the position he is in not because he is the most qualified, but because America wants an African American president. I would have said the same things about Hillary.

So, nothing personal. I beleive all people are the same.

No. No problem at all. I am actually all for diversity. If everyone was the same, we’d all get tired of each other, right?

I can’t say I come into contact with any people of African descent, or not enough that a friendship would progress… But I wouldn’t hold anyone’s skin colour/heritage/whatever against them. In fact, it makes me more interested in someone if they are a ‘minority’ because they probably have a different culture to share and there’s something that I could learn from them to open my mind a bit more. Like many other issues, this issue isn’t as clear-cut as it seems, but on a general level I think most people are tolerant, or they should be, ideally towards anyone of any race, and those who aren’t need to either get with the 21st century, or you know… they probably won’t change their attitudes ever, so they’ll eventually die and hopefully their children will be slightly more tolerant than them.

As for Obama, even he wasn’t black, I’d still vote for him (was I an American) because I’d definitely be a democrat but I must say, it would be cool and a first to have a ‘black president’ simply because it would represent how far the US has come since the repressive days of blacks (even though racism is still around, depending on where you go.) Imagine all the young black kids and other minorities seeing a black president, right at the top, and using him as a role model that their skin colour shouldn’t be any barrier, if they did ever think that. Plus, he’ll have more of a focus on ‘black issues’ than I think McCain would.

Yes! Get The Heck Out!

Just kidding. What’s gonna happen is some member actually answers yes to that question.

Edited by TSS

What I’m talking about is with his experience, people would just laugh him running to be the democratic nominee if he was white. Face, it, it’s true. I’m a republican, but I feel the same way about Palin. They are special because they would be different, not because hey would do the best.

No way! I hate racism just as much as I hate sexism.
I don’t judge by appearances. Why would anyone dislike someone because of their skin color? It’s dumb to think because someone’s black or white or yellow or anything else means they must be a certain way.

Like if you have different color ballons and try to decide which one will float higher. You wouldn’t judge by the color of the balloon but by how much helium is in it. It isn’t the outside that determines how good one is- it’s what’s on the inside that counts. :wink:

I’ve told something to this effect to my bro and friends: “I don’t care if you’re black, white, yellow, rich, poor, man, woman, gay, straight, strong, disabled, human, animal or alien. The only people I hate are jerks.”

I know some of my guy friends who are ‘inverse racists’, in the sense that they keep whining and complaining about how they’re being discriminated against because they are the minority and yet they choose to only pursue (how do I put this lightly?) ‘romantic relationships’ with chicks from a certain race ("I only date girls from country ‘X’. Eew… I’d never go out with a girl that’s ‘Y’) or make fun of people from their own race. I mean, come on! I don’t care what race my eventual life partner of the opposite gender is, or where she comes from. As long as she treats me nice, and loves me for who I am, I’m happy with that. To me, self-hating is also a form of racism, as well as giving preference to another group just because it’s the minority or the indigenous people (the latter always been a hot political topic in Malaysia, though I won’t go into all that). I prefer meritocracy, or as those Aussies like to call it “a fair go.”

That doesn’t mean I’m all sensitive when it comes to discussing one’s cultural intricacies. Doesn’t help being all uptight when people make fun of stereotypes, cos’ that’s what they are: stereotypes. As long as it’s not malicious, done in good jest, and does not reflect your true nature, I can accept racial jokes as a form of breaking down cultural barriers and treating everyone the same, in a twisted sort of way. Most racial jokes in Malaysia and Singapore are of all the races in one shot (usually an Ali, Ah Beng, and Apu), so everyone’s fair game. I also make sure to point out my own shortcomings, like how I watch American films, listen to R&B and funk music, speak fluent Malay and French, and suck at using chopsticks. To me, we’re all one and the same, so why so serious?

By the way, L&S, I’m a big fan of your YT channel, and everyone’s not a hater, so it makes me wonder why did you post this thread? If someone made fun of you that made you upset, just ignore him/her, cos’ they probably wouldn’t last in the real world anyway.

I like BDD’s balloon analogy. Makes me think of Up. :smiley:

I don’t see many African Americans here in NZ. Our country’s largest minorities are Maori, Islanders and Asians.

No…Africans are some of the nicest most outgoing people i know. I have a couple of African American friends and enjoy hanging out with them…

Thanks guys, you guys rock :sunglasses: !I’m also mixed with Indian too. :wink:

I’m half. Half Philipino, half Chinese. I believe the term for that is a Mystizo.

Whoa… TSS is of Philippino origin…?! :open_mouth: Didn’t see that coming. :stuck_out_tongue:

What did you think I was? ( I asked another member this once and that person thought I was white)

Actually WBoon, I’m half.

I don’t know, I always thought you were an American like many here, probably because you fitted in so well.

I am American. I was born and raised here. My mom was Phinipino and my Dad was chinese, both born in their native country. So while I am 50% Philipino and 50% Chinese, I am definetly 100% American.

Oh, that’s right, I forgot about the immigrants that move into America. Heh, my bad. :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t worry about it dude. :wink:


Nice, another Filipino! I’m full Filipino - I mean, both my parents are both Flip but I’ve lived in the US my whole life.

Anyways to answer LightningandSally, no, I absolutely do not have a problem with your race! Online, we’re all the same race :slight_smile:

I actually found a good wallpaper about that.

It’s got a quite a lot of text, and one part of it says:

Click to see full-size.

This is in relation to hackers.

CoCoMeister: Yay! Pinoy Power!!! :laughing: