My Wall E (work in progress) SolidWorks

Very nice effort! Hope it goes out well!

Thanks!! here he is, now with his laser assembly (open)

I didn’t have any idea how Wall-E was able to use his laser until you worked it out! thanks!

Cheers mate :wink:

Brilliant inverse-kinematics, mate! I’m terrible at rigging, so you certainly have my admiration! :wink:

Someone else used Blender (an open-source 3D modeling, animating, and rendering application that I use) to create an animation of his own personally made WALL-E.
Here is the link. … eets-cube/
I hope it proves useful as an inspiration. Everyone who works in the 3D world (including myself) needs inspiration here and there.

Ow wauw S 330, great find!!! love to get in contact with him… I’ll post a comment there and see what happens.

Btw, did some parts again, and a little texturing on some metal parts:

And of course, click for full image!

And thanks thedriveintheatre !!

You are welcome. I will have to warn you though, the models would be made in Blender (“.blend” file). And even then, I don’t know if any one (other than my last Post as TWS Admin) will respond. Your best bet is to sign up at the blender artists forums and search for him (which means you would be considered as a blender user).

OH man that’s beautiful! Have you shown the WallEBuilders? I’m sure they’d love to see this

Never heard of them.

Do you have a dA account, Curt? I’d love to fave this one, this is the most realistic fan 3D model of Wall-E I’ve ever seen.

I think Curt’s been applied to Pixar!

Hi guys,

Sorry I’ve been away for a few days (work)
And thanks so much for the kind words! haha working at Pixar… I wish :wink:

Anyway, here are a few more:

I know the babanas are to big :wink:

And high res:

I haven’t showed it at WalleBuilders

and what’s dA ? :blush:

dA is short for deviantART, only the biggest artistic Internet community in existence. Most Pixar and other studios’ fan artists hang out there, and some famous working artists (like Chris Sanders and Lauren Faust, for example) even have accounts there! If you set one up, do let me know and I’ll Watch you (it’s like Following on Twitter or Subscribing on Youtube).

Just be on the lookout for furries. Well, okay, some furries are talented. I really dislike ‘demotivator screencappers’ who are artistic sloths.

Nice Detail! But, why would wall-e have bananas?

He’s curious!

Yeah, it was just for fun, and testing them for a good friend :wink:

I thought you all might like this larger render test I did:

3000 x 2319 pixels

That is so adorable :smiley:

BTW, do you think you could render a factory NEW WALL-E in this kind of color

with a silver neck and yellow eyes? I’m trying to build a full scale one and would love to see what it looks like on the computer.

That would be cool! have the clean factory wall-e’s and the wall-e wall-e that we all know and love! but let’s see how the original wall-e turns out.