Anybody interested/watch basketball? The playoffs just started and it’s had some pretty good games so far (Boston Celtics - Chicago Bulls in particular). But I think that the LA Lakers & the Cleveland Cavaliers will end up in the finals…which would actually kind of be my worst nightmare of a final!
Who are you guys rooting for? Who do you think will win?
Well, I really love the Caviliers. How can you go wrong with a deep team like the Cavs? They have great team chemistry and they have everything a team would need to push for a championship.
It all starts with Lebron. I think nothing more need be said with this basketball beats.
Mo Williams and Delonte West provides solid defense while excellent shooting.
Big Z and Varajao: one provides scoring, the other rebounding. A great combo.
And lets not forget about the bench. Ben Walace a former Defensive Player of the year, and Joe Smith, Szcerbiak, and Daniel “Boobie” Gibson providing points off the bench.
Here in the UK I don’t think we even get the Basketball, at least, I can’t with my TV. But if I could watch it I probably would, it seems like a more watchable sport than football, cricket or golf…
I suppose a lot of people are pulling for the Cavs…but since I’m a Wizards fan, the Cavs have brought me a lot of frustration and pain and so I root against them. I won’t deny LeBron’s talent - the man is the best player in the NBA right now - but I just can’t bring myself to root for him/them!
I hope the Cavs win it all because I can’t stand the Lakers,(with the exception of Andrew Bynum and Sasha Vu…whatever his name is).Kobe Bryant makes my blood boil ,he’s extremely cocky as with most of their team,and every since Pau Gasol got there he’s been overrated,with a capital O.I think Kobe is a jerk and I hope they loose!