New Up sneak peak on Disney Channel

Yeah, pretty much :laughing:

Up: The Video Game demo? Where can I find this?


“But it’s a TALKING DOG!”

Don’t ask me why, but that was my favorite line :laughing:

I absolutely love Russell and Carl. They crack me up so much.

Up and coming: Cartoon Network will be showing 2 exclusive sneak peaks of up during their “Har-Har-Tharsdays” programming block this week, which is on Thursday and lasts from 8:00 to 10:00 PM. I’ll probably watch it.

Thanks for sharing that clip, Wall_E21!! After watching the last two Dug clips, I’ve decided he is my favorite character…and that is what I think MY dog would act/talk like to a TEE. Think Pixar is so totally genius the way they created him :slight_smile:

There were two new clips on Cartoon Network last night. One mostly of stuff we’ve seen before, and the other almost brand new.

First clip:

The house flies into a huge cloud and end up in fog. Carl and Russell are on the porch.
“Mr. Fredricksen, how much longer?” Russell asks.
“Well, we’re up pretty high. Could take hours to get down.”
Suddenly a strange formation appears to the left of Carl as they fly by. He flinches.
“Uh…that was a building or something.”
The strange formations become clearer. They’re rocks, and they nearly crash into them.
Russell yells. “What was that, Mr. Fredricksen?!”
“We can’t be close to the ground yet!” Carl says.
The fog clears. The house is headed straight for the ground. It crashes, and Carl and Russell get thrown off the porch. The house moves on without them, but the garden hose fell down.
“Wait! Wait!” Carl tries anxiously to grab the hose. He manages to and he gets lifted in the air.
“Russell, hang on!” Russell grabs onto Carl’s leg and they get dragged along onto the edge of a giant cliff and stop.
Carl is extremely shocked. “AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!”

Second clip:

Carl and Russell, hanging onto the hose, have just arrived in the falls.
“It’s so beautiful.” Carl says in awe. He takes out and old drawing of the falls and waves it in front of Russell.
“We made it! We made it!” Carl looks over to see a beautiful waterfalls. “Russell, we could float right over there. Climb up!”
“You mean assist you?”
Russell obnoxiously grabs onto Carl and steps on his face to get up.
“Cut it out.”
The camera stays on Carl as Russell climbs.
“Now when you get up there…just hoist me up! Got it?..You on the porch yet?”
The camera pans out to show Russell struggling to climb the rope, just a few inches above Carl. Exhausted, he falls to Carl’s head.

Gah, I hope someone posts those on Youtube or something. I wanna see 'em : (

Did anyone see the new Movie Surfers clip called “Talking Dog”?

So funny - they strap a collar around a golden retriever and Bob Peterson (the voice of Dug) voices his thoughts and the reactions are…well, see for yourself :slight_smile: It’s It’s just too cute!

Yeah, that was hilarious! :laughing: I would freak out if a dog suddenly started talking to me!

That’s really funny. :laughing: I especially liked the bit with John and his shirts.

And there are two new shots in that clip; Carl waving at the house and one of Dug’s collar going off.

Another bump, but last night I saw a brand new “Movie Surfers” bit with Up. Basically the guy went around Pixar and talked to Pete Docter, Ronnie del Carmen, and Albert Lozano. There were quite a few new scenes in it, including a bit with young Carl.

You can see it here:

Just click the “more video” button under the Up poster.

That was pretty interesting, thanks for the link Bryko614! :smiley:

I spied that clip just a few minutes ago on my daily “Up” search on Youtube.

Little Carl is so dang cy-uuuute! And I love Carl’s little hat trick at the beginning. He’s a fun old guy fer sure. A fun, grouchy, bitter old guy with the same glasses he had as a kid :smiley:

Well, now I know why one of the clips is called “Tepui Landing”.

Can’t wait for this Friday!

To anyone whom is wondering, the official website has been Up-ified big time. Check it out:

Thanks goes to Upcoming Pixar for this tasty bit of information.

Note: If you cannot access/view the official Disney website, here is an image I took of the site so as you may see what it looks like:

It’s pretty… umm… Well, it’s pretty dang awesome, if I do say so myself.

– Mitch

Ooh, wow, I like it! There’s Up everywhere! Thanks for screen-capping that, Mitch- I’ve been avoiding the Disney website because of possible spoilers, plus there’s the fact that it takes an age to load, so it’s cool to see how much they’re publicising Up.

lizardgirl - You’re most welcome! I made sure to pause the featured video at a spot that wasn’t too spoiler-laden (at least, I don’t think it is). Pretty much everyone has seen that particular screenshot now, if I’m not much mistaken.

Tell me about it. Their website sucks, man. I can barely even play the Up games, because they’re so lethargic. :stuck_out_tongue:

– Mitch

Thanks so much for pointing that out, Mitch!

I just watched the promo about the pack, and I feel I must say…

I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT! I just knew when I saw Carl with Russell’s sash in one of the first featurettes he had to save Russell. I totally called it! Score one for Castoro!

ahem Just had to get that out of my system. It’s cool to see the Disney site all Up-ifed. I can’t wait to see the same thing happen to MySpace and Photobucket.

I LOVED that Movie Surfer’s clip. I laughed my head off when [spoil]Kevin ate that balloon.[/spoil] :laughing:

Edited for spoilers. – Mitch

Stupid site localisations. I want to see the U.S. site so badly! :frowning:
Oh well, at least I avoid spoilers… :confused: