Nexas's Investigations: Ratatouille Issue 1

Well knew you couldn’t resist :slight_smile: Your dedicated like that :wink:

  1. nods Yeah…

  2. Oh he does believe me :unamused: Everytime I question about what he put in his meals he goes into a speech…either that or say’s it’s too secret :unamused:

Will do ^^ (OH! by the way, you DID get my message right? I’m heading out in a minute or so just wanted to make sure ^^ Sorry to be a bother ^_^; )

  1. Noticed: Did anyone notice that Skinner’s radio was playing Le Feston?

  2. Interesting Question: Was the Sweetbread the recipe that Ego declined? We get a shot of him pushing the plate away, but just wondered, was it the same?

  3. Interesting Question: May Haurst know Collete more personally? As the whole “he got all he needs” jab hits Collete RIGHT in the spot that upsets her.

  4. Interesting Question: WHY didn’t Remy just get food from the stash he had outside for Emile when they were reunited?

  5. History Bit: “I’ve taken out the garbage lots of times”. Not a referrance to his job at Guesteu’s since that was basically one day, so possible referrance to Linguini’s past?

(alright, I gotta head out for now ^^ Hope to see you tomorrow or sometime soon Mitch ^^ Don’t be a stranger around the Planet ok? ^_^)

Interesting list of questions, Nexas. It’s fun to play detective…

  1. Or they could have just shown a random clip of Gusteau thinking deeply, taking a nap or crying into his arm? I don’t think they would show a death clip.

  2. Maybe because Remy was too scared to move, or that the humans were watching him at that time?

  3. Like Mitch said, he could be just testing himself. Then again, it could really be the ghost of Gusteau interrogating him.

  4. Yes, he did. :wink:

  5. Unless they destroyed it since it proved a false match to Gusteau’s…

  6. Yes, nice bit of self-aware referencing there…

  7. Maybe? I have to see that scene again to look at the dish.

  8. I had that feeling when he said that line too. Or maybe it was unintentional, since I didn’t notice anything special about the way she introduced him to Linguini during the ‘training montage’.

  9. Because he ate it all? Maybe Linguini only gave enough for one rat each time? And Emile’s friend’s family kept getting ‘larger’ and ‘larger’…

  10. Maybe he was garbage boy his whole life! He probably had worst jobs than this…remember him telling Remy “he needs this job” and that he’s “worked so hard” in the river canal scene?

Well…for you guys to play detective, yes :slight_smile:

  1. But it’s still interesting to note how they got such a clip, as this would be Gusteau either close to his end.

  2. shakes head Well no humans had their attention on him at the time, as everyone was focused on Skinner yelling. Nice try though ^_-

  3. Guess it depends on one’s opinion of what that Gusteau thing is :slight_smile:

  4. Making sure :slight_smile:

  5. Discarded, mayhap…

  6. Just a notice heh heh.

  7. nods

  8. True, as we hear the whole “what did he do thing”, one could further ask if Collete was one of those who asked :slight_smile:

  9. We do see a shot of Remy just as he finishes a grape, with plenty left ^^ I suppose it may be supported by how much rats eat, but Remy just returned with about two or so small pieces, but he had plenty still he was surrounded by ^^

  10. True, and maybe his first reaction to getting the job was the thought “garbage? again?” ^0^

Thanks for being second in replying :slight_smile:

Behold, round 3.

  1. Interesting Question: Remy STILL lives in the sewer?
    Note: This scene takes place after Django shows him the rat extermitating shop. That scene occurs at night, and this scene, cutaway from there, is in the morning. Now I posed about this question in a thread all it’s own before, but still…

  2. Noticed: Before getting on the bike with Collete (after which Remy fell from the hat and was treated to the whole “remembering about rats and humans” bit), using subs Linguini say’s “Because, you…”
    Note: Morely just sub magic working here ^0^ Just any basic thoughts :slight_smile: For instance, I thought Collete can actually be quite a roadrazer ^0^

  3. Interesting Notice: During Remy’s review of Gusteu’s Will and the letter from Linguini’s mother, I noticed TWO interesting bits…
    The will is dated “23 June 2004”. This might interest those in the dates factor.
    The phrase “Witness my Hand” written in a different form from the rest of the Will. Unsure if this is a phrase that’s natural with a will, but figured to note that it was there and that it was written differently.

  4. Quote Quip: “This is some bad JuJu right here” - Made by…forgot his name…but the chef who works for the circus. Since it’s a fact that Django enjoys Gypsy music and that this guy comes form an interesting background, figured to note it.
    Note: I know, in chronological terms, this is allot later, but my memory recall for films made me do it.

  5. Interesting Question: What was Linguini laughing about when Skinner came to the Guesteu office (after the chase with Remy)?

Gah. I’m sorry that I never replied to these sooner.

6. Oh yeah, I noticed that the first time I saw the film… I think.

7. It sure looked like it could have been the sweet bread recipe. I’ll have to watch the film again to properly judge/answer this question. That said, I don’t blame Ego for pushing that dish away. Why they call it “sweet” bread is anyone’s guess. (snigger)

8. I wondered that myself after repeated viewings. It is possible that Colette confided in Horst more than in her other fellow employees, if she even discussed her past with them at all. Perhaps she and Horst began working at Gusteau’s around the same time, and, therefore, know each other more intimately?

9. This is what’s called “artist’s license”, or something along those lines. Obviously, it was mainly done so as we could become more acquainted with Remy’s devious side. In addition to this, maybe he (Remy) figured that his brother would only react to the most delectable of morsels, not just grapes and bread?

10. Yeah, it sounded as if poor Linguini had been through a lot. (heh)

11. I always just assumed that Remy had his one little spot somewhere in the sewer line, one that was situated in between Gusteau’s! restaurant and his family/clan (it was probably closer to the former). Generally, rats prefer company… and lots of it, but this is Remy we’re talking about here. He was unique and seemed to prefer seclusion (in certain situations).

12. Ha-ha. Yeah, I think I noticed that too when turning on the subtitles.

13. Hmm. Interesting tidbit on the “dates” factor. As for the “Witness my Hand” note, I’m not sure what that refers to.

14. That was Lalo who said that. I highly doubt that there’s any correlation between Django and Lalo, if that’s what you’re referring to, but it’s a possibility. Hmm…

15. Ha! I’ve been trying to figure that out for ages, but I can’t hear what Colette says before Skinner storms in, so I guess we’ll just have to leave their conversation up to our imagination. :wink:

– Mitch

Hey Mitch, glad to see another reply :slight_smile: And don’t be sorry, it ain’t going anywhere ^0^

  1. Probably did having watched it as many times as you have :slight_smile:

  2. Squid…liver…anchovies…WHAT was Guesteu thinking? o_0

  3. Ahh perhaps :slight_smile: Given that Horst is sorta “Second in command” kind of and Collete’s perhaps one of the leading cooks.

  4. DEVIOUS? Heheh :slight_smile:

  5. Bet allot of people can relate to that sort of situation :slight_smile:

  6. shrugs Remy IS apparently moody…honestly think that yeah he would be near both of them, wouldn’t go too far from company. And yeah he is unique afterall ^^ Something to be explored further mayhap ^-

  7. Heheh :slight_smile:

  8. nods Know some people work with dates considering uhh…the large glasses woman at the start of the movie (forgot her name) and such. Yeah and it was weird…being in different style…

  9. Well I’m not saying there’s a connection between those two at all ^0^ That is unless Django frequented near the circus Lalo was at in the past ^)^

  10. But what type of imagination ^0^

Heh. He was probably drunk. :laughing:

Oh yeah, Remy’s freakin’ devious when it comes right down to it! It’s one of the few things that I hate about his personality, although, I guess I should talk sometimes… :stuck_out_tongue:

That, my friend, is the question. Heheh.

Oh, and the old lady’s name is Mabel, by the way. :wink:

– Mitch

So! It WAS from Guesteu’s private stash that Skinner got that wine for Linguini! :smiley:

Being devious isn’t such a bad thing :slight_smile: This coming from the person who has “Deviant art” :slight_smile: \

Oh yes the name that I kept forgetting :unamused:

OH! By the way Mitch, replied to your Message, hope you got it :slight_smile:

Nexas - Concerning your first two points: Ha-ha! True, true.

I’m not sure if I received your message or not, but I probably did. I’ll recheck my Inbox just to make sure.

– Mitch

Hehehhe :slight_smile:

Wow…been…weeks for a reply ^0^ Thats me being patient ^- ^0^ Glad to see you on the board again ^^ Though hoped I at least assisted a little in that matter ^_^;

Well I sent that message a long while ago ^0^ I’ll…send it again but edit out some parts since…well we were talking about recent events at the time that would be depressing now…

Nexas - Yeah, my apologies for the long hiatus. My family and I were… going through a lot at the time, but everything is sorted out now.

Thanks for resending your message! I’ll take a look at it.

– Mitch

holds up hand No need for apologizes Mitch, I know :slight_smile:

Sure :slight_smile:

Oooh…had to dig out my notes for this thread again ^0^ Here boy…where are you…
There you are :slight_smile:

  1. Interesting Notice: “Dock Worker Union to Strike Today” on a newspaper during Linguini’s exchange as Guesteu’s owner.

  2. Interesting Question: Linguini got a not-to-shabby new home when he inherits the resturant. BUT…is this place actually Guesteu’s? Did Linguini inherit his father’s home?

  3. Interesting Notice: Did anyone notice that it was snowing outside when Ego appears at the press conferrance? And what’s more…he’s unaffected by it, as well as his suit 0_o

  4. Interesting Notice: Ego refers to Paris as a “town” rather than a city. No respect for his, probably, home?

  5. Interesting Notice: When the chefs leave after Linguini’s statements about Remy, Haust looks like he’s on the verge of tears as he moves past Linguini.

Nexas - Thanks. (heheh)

16. Interesting. I always meant to look closer at those newspapers, but I’ve never gotten to it.

17. I never thought of that. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had inherited it from Gusteau, but if that wasn’t the case then I’m sure he simply purchased it by way of his own, now-abundant monetary means.

18. It was snowing?! Are you sure? I’m going to have to check that out the next time I watch the film.

19. Assuming that Anton Ego is English, he may have been born in England, and if this is taken to be true… then it may account for why he isn’t particularly fond of Paris, at least… not after becoming ensnared by his dreary life as a critic. However, if he was born in France, it may be that he has few fond memories of the place and simply flicks it off as a bad joke altogether. Or, in all bluntness, he could have just been exercising sarcasm.

20. My mom pointed this out, but I noticed it from the first moment I saw the film, and that’s the look that Horst gives to Linguini. It’s clearly seen, of course, but the fact that the message was conveyed impeccably without any dialogue is absolutely brilliant. It’s as if he’s thinking, “I had so much hope for you, and this is what you give to us in return?”

Nice points. :slight_smile:

– Mitch

No prob :slight_smile:

  1. For some reason I think of the chase bit with Remy on the boats and I have this suspecion…did Remy cause it? ^0^

  2. Yeah, money money money ^0^

  3. nods I have an eye for detail :slight_smile: If you watch as Ego enters and you can see outside, you see white bits falling down. I’m pretty sure it was snowing…I am to watch the film again.

  4. Yeah probably ^0^ Another interesting thought, that I didn’t put in my notes, is in the flashback, Ego seemed to have come from the country rather than a city…strange…just like Remy too…

  5. Really speaks past his bravado and his “thumb” :slight_smile:

I aim to please ^_-

Regarding the latest predictions:

16. Ha! Now that’s an interesting supposition! Perhaps we should take a closer look at the text below that particular newspaper heading? :wink:

18. Hmm. Well, I’ll keep an eye out for it then.

19. That’s precisely why Remy’s ratatouille dish affected Ego the way it did. I wonder whether or not Remy happened to catch a biography on Anton Ego on Mabel’s television set when he was living in the countryside? If so, maybe it was mentioned that Ego was raised in a similar location? And if that’s the case, Remy may have remembered that and figured that Ego would appreciate a simplistic, yet favorable, country dish.

20. Yes, indeed.

– Mitch

Heheh :slight_smile:

  1. Oh yes ^0^ “Small rat seen causing havoc on two liners this evening…” ^0^

  2. Hm hm.

  3. That’s a good point…exactly why Remy picked Ratatouille out of a gallery of other cuisines may have come from him knowing at least something about Ego…hmm…

  4. Hm hm hm :slight_smile:

Ahh…the last three for the first issue of investigations…but I doubt the last…well…last in terms of…well…here they are ^0^

  1. Interesting Question: “Delta Team”? Military experience for Django there ^- Perhaps involved in a similiar war that Mabel was in 0-

  2. Interesting Notice: When Skinner demands to know who made the ratatouille, did he do so because he thought Remy had gotten away from his trunk?

  3. Opinionative: What was Ego thinking as he waited so long to see Remy.

I did always wonder why Remy picked ratatouille. I mean, it’s a common kind of food that would be unexpected to make for a restaurant critic (which is relevant to Remy), but he probably didn’t know that, and it seems a little anticlimactic for it just to be because of the pun…

Good point.

kageri- I think it might also have been because he was trying to make the point that good food doesn’t have to be fancy, and the best food should take you back to your childhood, just like Ego was taken back to his. Also, Remy deciding to cook ratatouille is quite unexpected (if you ignore the title of the film, of course) so I think it was meant to be surprising and to represent Remy himself, since he’s a pretty surprising little chef.

Actually…when you think about it…Remy IS basically a country rat…so maybe he had seen ratatouille prepared before…albiet the one we see in the film is more or less his own style “how would you make it”.
Maybe Ma…ahem…the old woman at the start made Ratatouille at some point. Maybe something that was easily prepared doing her war days.