I know you think that’s the inside but I’m pretty sure its not. I could actually show with the toy later I think, and give you the same angle with it open. thats just the wall that leads up to it. the actual inside is turned toward his face, away from the camera.
It COULD be a top lip for the part to rest on, but the plane in the relection is too big of a space. Its clearly the area where the sticker had been removed by buzz.
Didn’t Buzz crumble up that sticker way back in the first Toy Story when he was going through his state of depression? Or did one of the daycare kids tear it out?
Right, so it isn’t exactly a mistake that the sticker isn’t visible in that shot. It’s actually a nice little bit of continuity. But I guess we can’t say the same for Woody’s strong arm or the burnt mark from Sid’s magnifying glass.
Yeah, there are logical explanations for both of those being gone but I guess Buzz not having his sticker gives him a visible connection to the previous films that Woody doesn’t have with his two (but we know both characters will always have Andy’s name written on them). I haven’t watched Toy Story 2 in a while so I forgot if Buzz’s sticker could be seen in that film, cause if it can that would throw off the continuity of the Toy Story 3 shot.
Well I guess the only ones that do are Utility Belt Buzz and Video Game Buzz, but neither of them are “Andy’s Buzz” so you’re probably right. The reason of course is because he doesn’t need to anymore.
I never really thought about it, but yeah, I don’t think our buzz ever opens it in 2. I think the last time we’ve seen that buzz (with memories in tact),open it was the original TS3 teaser. and I don’t think we get to see inside of it. not to mention it probably isnt really canon. for one, it has a working button that triggers the release date sign remotely, heh.
Like people have said, the stitching is still there, but it’s proven that the padding would have gone away with enough play anyways. They might have it in the flashbacks.
I think in the first film, they were trying to infer that the burn mark went away. Like how Sid got cut short before doing much damage, and Woody even quotes “I sure hope this isn’t permanent.” Guess we got the answer to that.