Our animation work

I dont know how many people are animators here, or student animators… or just studying it, but for the fun of it we should post some of our work.

This is a short clippette animation test on thre film I’m working on called “Orangemas: The Greatest Christmas Story Ever Told”


Hey that’s pretty good! :-D) I haven’t attempted an animation yet… mostly because I don’t know where to start… :wink:

Hey, glad you liked it. And I’m sure you know where to start, you draw and keep drawing, and decide what type of animation you wanna do. I LOVE chatchter animation so I concentrate on that, I’m nto much of a background artist, nor am I very good at effects… but making a character come to life is what i’m studying. Try a free version of flash (if you dont already have it), make a flipbook…any kind of animation really.

Thanks for the advice! ;-p I think I’ll do just that.

Make a flipbook first (surprisingly I’ve never made one but have always been fascinated by them…) and then try flash. This shall be interesting… <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/grinandwink.gif” alt=“;-D” title="Grin and

Wink" />

Oh oh! That’s so awsome! I’m so glad your interested in it. I’ve been animating for at least 6 years and I love it so much.

I like to do a little animating in my spare time, although I don’t have the proper tools and stuff to do something really nice…Most are just crappy mouse-drawn things, but I did take an animation class recently where I got to work with stop-motion, which I found I really enjoyed.

The majority of my computer-made animations have yet to be converted into the proper format to be shown on the web, but I’ll try to get them posted when I get them finished and what-not.

Here’s a little run-cycle test I did for the heck of it - deviantart.com/download/31234917/

I’m going to make an animation, one of these days. =P I want to be an animator for Pixar one of these days …

Ay. Try downloading it here: deviantart.com/view/31234917/


I also have this completly random thing I did a while ago - zippyvideos.com/371768039287 … amazing_./

Yeah. Don’t ask. :stuck_out_tongue: :unamused:

It’s all animated and colored in Flash. It’s all thought out on paper first then transfered to flash through scanner, colored and lite from flash too

vimfuego That’s really cool you get to go to classes and stuff, i’d love to be in some sort of art class, all the animation i’ve learned is from trial and error, on my own. Eventually I wanna take classes and stuff, to improve, you know? I’m always seeing things in my work and picking it to peices… I guess it’s just apart of the bizz.

I’m also really glad theyre are people here who are invovled in animation in some way, i truley hope some of you stick with it,… we really really need more animators with big hearts out there for our new generation. I wanna see more big kids working, ones with toys all overs their desks, has collection of animated dvds and cell art. A good team who have big hearts make big hearted films for people to be amazed and inspired by. I really beleve animation helps the world, and I really beleve that animation will keep getting better and better and better for many years to come.

The more that you can give it, then the more it will be.