Pixar Board Gaming/Video Gaming Ideas?

OH I CAN’T WAIT! :smiley:

But it ain’t the first time there was a game with Pixar and Disney in it .3. remember this?

^Coolio! I didn’t know that game existed! On the topic of Disney/Pixar games, there’s also 2011’s Disney Universe. I have the Wii version. It’s a fun game, but I think that Disney Infinity looks even better! The only DU charrie I’ve played so far is Hal from WALL-E :slight_smile:

So we can talk about existing Pixar board and video games, as well as ones we’d like to see, in this thread?

Okay, well… I had the A Bug’s Life Interactive on one of those 90s PCs with that boxy monitor, when I was a kid. I remember this one particular ant you can click who would roll a stone up a hill only to have it tumble down again, and it will loop if you keep clicking. Many years later as a university student, I realised he was basically Sisyphus in bug form! 8D

Has anyone clicked that ant or remember playing that game?

As for gaming ideas, I would love to see Disney do a kart-racing game. Like, they have such a huge canon of characters, just plonk 'em on personality-suited buggies and have 'em race in various settings from the films. It’d be awesome.

It’s not like Disney Interactive hasn’t done racing games before. Besides the obvious Cars game tie-ins, one of my favourite games of all-time is Split-Second, a collab with Disney Interactive and the now-defunct Black Rock Studio.

I read a business report today, though. Apparently Disney bigwigs are thinking of laying off employees in their less-profitable divisions, with less a focus on console gaming and more on social-media and Internet apps. :neutral_face:

^Well, I guess we can talk about previous games! As long as people are talking on this thread, I guess it doesn’t matter too much :slight_smile: There’s a couple of threads for the Cars games and the ABL game in their respective forums, just fyi. It always surprises me when older and somewhat obscure Pixar games show up out of thin air! And a Disney Kart Racing game would be epic! I think that they’ll be something like that in the upcoming Disney Infinty game, actually!

Yeah, that link you gave me where you got your sig image has certainly got me pumped! I really like the idea of a game that keeps expanding as they add more updates to it, and I love crossovers!

Has anyone played Disney Universe or Kinect Rush? My Xbox 360’s the old, big-a**, white one, so I don’t have the Kinect peripheral to play the latter.

TDIT, I remember that Bug’s Life game so vividly! To this day, sometimes my siblings quote different things that were said in-game, we used to play it so much. “I’m going as fast as I can, I’ve only got one hundred legs, you know!” We used to love messing around with that game where you made your own puppet show with Dot, and the board game you got to play at one point was super fun, too!

On the subject of old Pixar computer/video games, did anyone else play the Toy Story 2 Action Game for PC or N64? We had both versions, and it was probably our most-played childhood game. Sometimes for nostalgia’s sake I’ll fire up our N64 and pop it in again. :slight_smile: We also had a Bug’s Life game for N64, as well. The worst part about it was when Flik died. He let out this gob-awful, sudden screech that nearly brought you outta your skin. xD

This is probably a bit off-topic from what the original post intended, but when TDIT mentioned the Bug’s Life game, it brought back a whole bunch of memories!

little chef

TDIT - I don’t have a Kinect… mostly because I’m rather attached to the Wii, personally. However, I very badly want to play Disney/Pixar Rush! So I have a feeling my disinterest in the Kinect will be trumped by my desire to try Pixar Rush… :slight_smile:
little_chef - I’ve heard some interesting stories about that ABL game… it sounds both fun and painfully complicated! I’d probably have to figure out what platform I could get it for, considering my computer is a Windows 7 and probably couldn’t handle a game that old.
This whole conversation reminded me of a Pixar game I actually forgot I had! When I got Finding Nemo on DVD back in '03, it came with a game that I currently forget the title of. I don’t recall playing it too much, though… don’t know why, exactly. I wonder if it might be somewhere in hiding in my house…

TDIT: I love Disney Universe! And the coolest thing about it is the WALL-E levels (of course)! Of all the levels, they were actually the best for me; I was so excited when I heard the Buy N Large jingle remixed, and I was practically cracking up when I found out I could bounce on Axiom passengers and the “sound effects” they make… no to mention the over-sized BnL boxing glove that Auto pounds you with in the boss battle 8D, along with bombs, lasers, etc.

Seriously, the BnL jingle remix had me dancing!!! Plus, I found out WALL-E’s weapon upgrades include a videotape and a television…so clever and hilarious at the same time!

Was that the centipede in the city? I recall he would travel to one end of the screen and appear back again after you click him!

I sort of remember messing around with Dot’s puppet show too, although I never really got the hang of the board game. Haha, nice to know you had fond memories of it too, little_chef!

OWP: Yeah, I’m very tempted to get the Kinect for that game alone. Unfortunately a lot of the games are not very compelling (and most feature the Nintendo Mii-looking characters), with only Dance Central catching my eye (if only to do Gangnam Style!).

JSWeC: Oh my gosh! There’s a Wall-E level? :smiley: And they remixed the BnL theme? And there’s bombs, human trampolines and ‘improvised weapons’ for Wall-E? Now I gotta buy this game, haha.

I played a demo of the Pirates of the Carribean level (I think it was Port Royale) and thought it was pretty entertaining. I fired cannonballs at the avatars and walked them off ledges to see if I could ‘kill’ them (I’m sadistic in video games, I like to test to see if I can find glitches). :slight_smile:

The WALL-E level sounds awesome! I’ve only played the POTC level thus far. I enjoyed it, though it was kinda frusterating until I realized that the remote is supposed to be held horizontally, not vertically… not making that mistake again! 8D

I think Pixar has a lot of opportunities with the kind of portfolio they have.
They can make a racing game (something like nfs, but more toy like ).

Something with kinect for Toy Stories to play one character at a time in order to achieve the objectives like in the movie.

And of course, some pixar characters figurine wars.

I think they’re doing that with Disney Infinity .3.

And don’t forget they have the numerous Cars tie-ins. But yeah, an “All-Stars” kart racing game would be suh-weet! :mrgreen: Or better yet, a fighting game!

Kinda like what i said in some posts before xP


[url]- YouTube

So excited! I need Rex to be playable.

Psyched for this game to the nth degree!! :smiley: I was surprised to find out that it’s a platform game and not an internet game, but I guess that makes more sense in retrospect. Thank goodness it’s available for the Wii. And the concept of Skylanders-style figuines to unlock new players… That. Is. Awesome! The DI character design is really nice and I hope that the figurines are just as awesome, so then I can cover my desk over in monsters, cars, supers, and others to come!

You guys do realise that they’re basically asking you to pay for figurines to unlock characters that have already been coded into the game? 8D Why not just have them available for free from in-game points (after completing missions)? Or for the impatient, have them available as an in-game purchase like iOS apps (for those, like me, who don’t have enough space in the house)?

This smells of corporate greed to me! :imp:

Other than that, I’m still gonna get suckered into buying the figurines, if only to have a mini Jack Sparrow and Holley Shiftwell on my bookshelf! Oh goodness!

I mean, like OWP said, it’s very reminscent of Skylanders. I have a Whirlwind figurine (my discovery of this character thanks to a dA member who draws fanart of her), and I don’t even have a copy of Spyro’s Adventure or Giants! :unamused:

Seconded! You know who I want, my friend!

^Yes indeedy, we need Rex in on it! I think the current lineup is only what they’ve got so far, and I’ll be quite happy when they get the rest of the Pixar gang into it. I mean, Rick Dicker is part of the lineup! That seems so unusual to me, but then again, what could be cooler than making Rick fly with a jetpack?? Well, if we could get Hamm to fly his pig ship and shoot trash cubes at a horde of Cybugs, that’d be pretty awesome… 8D