Try this one!
“Oh crap…”
Nobody knows, the trouble EYE see?
The most unfortunate thing for a banished monster like one-eyed Mr. Potato Head is to be trapped in the newest version of jail- in a crib.
Guys, I think Molly ate my eye.
“Evening…Co-missioner.” (licks lips)
The fragile body of Mr. Uno-eye now lies in the ultimate torture tester…THE CRIB!!!
Mr. Potato Head: Guys, the word “jail”, gotta tell you that it was not written in ink!
ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh…gory man.
Try this one now you guys!
Uh oh, TSS, where is the pic?
The Blank Portrait
SYNDROME: My favorite show is on! Isn’t it the best?
Syndrome: Mirage, we are watching reruns of Syndrome’s movie, not American Idol.
“Are you blind?! The Pizza Planet truck is right THERE!”
Rachel: Really? Where?
But serious, that was a really clever one.
Rachel: That was a good one!
SYNDROME: You call this news?
Haha, Rachel, nice one!
Syndrome: And THAT’S how you make a TV work- by pressing the ‘on’ button. Ta da!
Rachel: You rock. Anything else here is trivial compared to that!