Pixar collection

The Star Swordsman -

Mmm…I see. That’s a smart decision. :slight_smile:

gottalovepixar - Yeah, I’m a Pixar

fanatic. If I wasn’t, well…I wouldn’t be on this site! :stuck_out_tongue:

JV - Thanks,

JV! I thought you might – heheh. :wink:

[b]Mitch: I wish I

knew how to print a Ratatouille poster that big. :smiley: [/b]

JV - Haha – it was quite simple, really. What I did was I downloaded the poster

off of the official Ratatouille website; after I did that, a small box popped up

which showed the image, and at the bottom of that box were a number of options to select at will. All I did was

click on the “Print” button, and the image printed itself right out of our family printer! Then I just

got a couple “slips” of tape and…ka-bow! :wink:

Awesome! Thanks Mitch!

And since Christmas is coming up, that means

I can add more stuff to my collection.

JV - No problem!


The Star Swordsman - Indeed. 'Tis the season to stock up…

I know. I can ask for Incredibles

stuff, or money to spend.

The Star Swordsman - I really don’t care what I

get for Christmas, as long as there is at least one Pixar thing included. I asked my mom for a rat, but she said

‘no’. :stuck_out_tongue:

As for money, I never ask for that, either. Actually, the money usually comes to me in droves,

for some reason. Go figure…heh.

My parents and everyone I

know will think I am crazy when i ask for more TI stuff.

The Star Swordsman - Ahh…who cares what they all

say? The important thing is that you proudly express your fandom with flair and passion. :smiley:

That is true. Some say I do it a little

too much, but oh well.

The Star Swordsman - You know what, I find that it is rather fun

to express your love of a particular subject – it makes you “distinguishable” and unique, and gives

you something to brag about. Not that I like to show off too much…but hey. :stuck_out_tongue:

I will often go all the

way to my local mall just to watch a Pixar movie on the big screen at one of the electronics stores. It’s quite

hilarious; I’ll start quoting the movie and people will either look at me like I’m an idiot, compliment, or

stand in awe…astounded. It’s fun to entertain people. :smiley:

That is true too. Some tell me to grow up, but I just tell them I am going to be a fan of this

until the end. If they can only see my room.

The Star Swordsman - Heheh – yep, the same goes for me, as well.

People tell me I’m weird, and I’ll say, “Yep, and I’m proud of it!”.

As for your room,

well…you should send us pictures. I’m curious. :wink:

Thanks, but I am not really good with a camera. I don’t know how to work it, but it is okay.

[b]The Star

Swordsman[/b] - You are most welcome. And hey, I was plain stupid with a camera until I practiced…


To put it in

short, I am technologically unsound. I am the worst person with cameras.

I think we are getting a little

off topic now. Going back. . .

Off-Topic - Aww…that’s

too bad. Perhaps you’ll get used to it after a while…?

On-Topic - I plan

to create a special section for more Ratatouille memorabilia alone…when I begin to

collect it. I have extra shelf space in my closet, so I suppose that I will have to put it all in there. I need

more shelf space – heh.


whole room is where I put my TI stuff. If I don’t have enough room, I put it in my twin bro’s room.

[b]The Star

Swordsman[/b] - Haha – good thing your bro likes The Incredibles, eh?
