Pixar Planet Awards 2010 - Suggestions/General Discussion

Yuppers, I guess Virginia! Like eje said :smiley: (yay for EJE!!!)

I guess so. But the member thing isn’t as stupid as the best animated/best pic. Best animated shouldn’t even exist…

^ I think we should be treated equal like any other movie! It’s so not fair that TS3 was arguably the best movie of the year but because of how it was made it won’t get it. (I like how I’m talking about animated movies as ‘me’ and ‘we.’ Oops :smiley:)

It is possible for a member to win both best member and best member of 2010. It’s like saying an athlete winning MVP and Rookie of the Year in the same year.

Totally agree. I’m not sure I would call TS3 best movie of the year, but it should be applicable none the less.

Anyway, thanks. For answering the question, I mean.

Haha, I love your sporting analogy, TSS. :slight_smile:

I’m not sure whether a Best Member has won Best New Member before, though? :question:

Anyway, just an update that we’re in the process of counting the tallies. For convenience sake, all people who have sent their votes to me are fine at the moment, unless I PM you otherwise. Yeah, I’m too lazy to reply every person to say your vote was acceptable. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your patience, especially yours, TSS. :stuck_out_tongue: We are aiming for sometime this week, but no promises.

TDIT: I’m not sure if that has been done yet here on PP, however, the awards are only 2 years old. Not a lot of chances for it to happen.

Does anyone know when the winners are announced? :neutral_face: I’m sorry if I missed something. I wasn’t able to hang out here in a while.

points to sig The wait is over! :mrgreen:

I just want to sincerely say congratulations to the winners. Yay!! EJE, SoA, K9girl, TDIT…man, no one won who didn’t deserve it. Double congrats to EJE for being best and best new and little-chef for winning best non-Pixar fiction. SoA, you owe me $10 Monopoly dollars. :smiling_imp: 8D

aww well thanks :slight_smile: I cant get on here as much as I used because I have a very intense final class at school plus I work full time so I can really only get on here on weekends. Which pretty much also describes the kinda time I have to create anything new, art-wise

Another year, another successful award season!

I need to work on my speech right away!! :smiley:

yes! Everyone who won, or who wants to for that matter, should do a speech! :wink:

Congratulations, Jessie!! I’m happy your fanfiction won. :smiley:

Thanks, hun! :smiley:

No problem. You deserved it.

Weren’t we supposed to do a live reveal of the winners this year? I remember reading it. Apparently not.

Woah, that would have been super cool!! :smiley:

I’m happy about your awards, Bryko!! gratz!

Holy Freedom Fris! I can’t believe it. :open_mouth:

Thank you so much Virginia!

Bryko: That’s a fantastic idea, I hope a live announcement happens next year.

thedriveintheatre & The Star Swordsmen: Thank you for your guy’s time and dedication to to the awards. They were executed perfectly and smoothly, thank you again!